Chapter 8

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No. I can't be, no please, not him. 

I was slowly falling in love with my best friend, and he'd probably leave right after New Years. 

It was probably the stupidest mistake of my life, but might as well love him while I can. 

"Wanna go get a tree with me?" He smirked, his cute dimples turning red. 

"But it's only December 5!" 

"So? I'm a very jolly guy! Hell! I'm Santalirious!" 

"Oh for fucks sake, let's go." 

"Yay!!!" He cheered like a little kid, and I freaking loved it. 

"Go dress warm." I told him as he ran upstairs to the guest room. I go to my room and find my heavy red jacket and my maroon scarf. I throw it on quick and walk out to see Delirious down in the living room. He's looking in the mirror, trying to get his beanie on right. He's only got a blue hoodie on over the Fallout shirt he was wearing, and no scarf. 

"You're going to freeze." I say, crossing my arms, which puffed up my jacket. 

"Nuh uh!"

"Delirious." I scolded. 

"Ugh, fine!!! How about just a heavier jacket?" He smiled liked a caught child. I tapped my foot and glared at him. He groans. 

"And a scarf. I don't want your poor neck getting cold."

"Well you can always warm it up..." He mumbled.

"What was that?" I asked and his dark eyes lit up and he blushed. 

"UH, Nothing! Do you have a scarf I can use?" 

"Yeah. In that closet right there."

"Speaking of the closet..."


"Hold on." He walked into it and shut the door, I was confused at first. He walked out with a dark purple scarf in his hand. 

"I'm coming out of the closet!"

"Oh haha! Are you mocking me?" I put my hands on my hips. He looks at me and his dark eyes look into my own. Once I realize it, a small smile goes across his face. 

"Y-you're not kidding..."  I walk over to him and hug him. 

"I didn't make you gay right?"

"Not necessarily."

"What's that supposed to mean?"



"Come on let's get that tree!"

"Scarf and jacket first!"

"Ugh! Evan!" 

He stomps up stairs and grabs his jacket. Then he stomps back down and groans really loud. 

"What's wrong?"

"I-I uh, don't know how to put a fucking scarf on."

"Hold on, I'll help." 

I walked over to him and took the purple scarf out of his hand. He looked me right in the eye as I threw the scarf over his head. I easily pulled it around his neck, and he just kept staring. Once I started wrapping it, I went slower the more he stared. He then looked down and I finished it up. 

"Thanks." He said with a dimply smile. I smiled back and we walked out the door. I got into the drivers seat and Delirious instantly turned on the radio. I laughed as he looked at me and had a small smirk on his face, "What's the Christmas music station?" I chuckled and shook my head. I didn't answer him and he groaned, "You're not being very nice." I laughed and finally gave in to the little babylirious. "105.1." I gave him one of those annoyed mom looks and he laughed, then he gasped when he found the channel. The next thing he did was the most best thing on Earth.

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