Put on a show (V request)

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Requested by : ApplepiKenma 

You had walked home from school and got a call on your phone it was your boyfriend V

"Tae!!!" You answered the phone 

"Hey baby." He said

"Why did you call?" You asked

"I wanted to see if you were still coming over tonight." He said 

"Aren't the boys gonna be there?" You said 

"Yes." He responded

"Then nope." You said 

"Why not?" He asked

"Because i don't wanna be there when the guys are there if you wanna do you know what." You said 

"Have sex?" He responded

"Yes." You said 

"I mean come on they know how to play music and give us a few hours alone." He said 

"No,  Tae." You said 

"Please, Minty i need you." He said 

After a while you finally gave in 

"Ok fine, i'll be over there soon." You said 

You hung up the phone with him and did your homework. After you did your homework you took a shower and decided to dress up to tease Tae. You got dressed in a short tight skirt and a tank top with sneakers so you wouldn't seem too obvious trying to tease him. You drove over there and knocked on their door.

"Hey minty." Namjoon said while answering the door 

"Hi Namjoon." You chirped as you walked in

"Taehyun, Minty's here!" He yelled up the stairs

"Hiiii minty." Jungkook said 

"Hey minty." Jimin said 

"Hey guys." You said 

"Minty." Yoongi said 

"Wassup." You said 

"MINNNTY!!" Jin yelled

"JIIINNN." You yelled back

"MINT ICE CREAM." Hoseok said 

"J-SUNSHINE." You said 

After everyone greeted you Tae came downstairs

"Hey babe." You said 

His jaw dropped when he saw what you were wearing and he gave you a quick kiss

"Hey beautiful." He said 

"So what should we do guys?" You asked them

"Oh i have plenty of ideas." Tae said while smirking 

"I was asking the guys." You said while sticking out your tongue at him 

"We should watch a movie." Jimin said 

"No, we should have dinner." Jin said 

"No, we should play games." Jungkook said 

"Or we could go out somewhere, Minty's dressed for it." Hoseok said

"We aren't going out anywhere with her dressed like that." Tae said 

"Why not, you jealous?" Yoongi said 

"No, i just don't want to go out anywhere plus her legs would get cold." Tae said 

"Jealous." Yoongi muttered under his breath

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