A life of a hero

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Inside school, a crowd full of students were watching from stands. Cheering and roaring loud across the room. they only to watch a battle from their school school who was winning by a milestone.

Ash pov

"There you have it people, Ash Ketchum has defeated his opponents with its final Pokemon with 12 wins battles in a row. Who can stop his run?"

Hearing the commentor said his words through the speaker brought a smile on my face like I won a present.

It has been months after the incident at team flares where we saved Serena out of there. Now I'm finally here, having a great battle against a trainer that I have defeated him in a quick style. I didn't let him faint any of my pokemon since we train a lot, and I mean a lot training to get ourselves stronger together.

I looked ahead to see Pikachu in its battle stance on the battlefield. facing its opponents in distance. which was a Riachu that has now fainted, lying on ground with swirls in its eyes.

I smiled again as Pikachu turns around facing away from its fainted opponents and runs up to me, leaping into my arms.

"Pikachu" Pikachu responded. I safely catched my buddy in both my free arms with a wide smile on my face.

Pikachu soon climbs on my shoulder. Then I looked ahead to see my opponent returning his Pokemon then walks up to me. He didn't have a defeated expression just a smile. I knew he had no match against me.

"Thanks for the battle. You're a great battler" he complemented. Which I still smiled. I like getting other people comments, its boost my morale and performance better.

"Thanks. You too tierno. It was a great battle to have with you" I said. Although, I do love his dance moves. Wish i could dance like him because I'm terrible at it.

With a final farewell. We both gave each other a sportsman handshake and walk out the gym with other students exiting too after watching a 6 v 6 match that I have won by 6-0.

When I walked out the swinging doors with Pikachu on my shoulder. I looked over to see my friends outside the gym, near to the locker, talking to one another.

I dragged my legs to them as they finally notice me coming over with smiles on their faces. It's been a ride over these months since I arrived my first day in this school, having them by my side in each day. I didn't know people here at first, but now I know who they are.

"Ashy boy, another winning battle eh. Next time I'm going to beat you. Just watch me." My friend said causing me to laugh shortly.

"Yeah yeah gare bear, will see about that" I said with a challenging smirk which he also did.

That person name was my best friend Gary who had his arm around his girlfriend Misty since the two have been together till now.

I looked over to my other friends as they began to speak to me.

"Well cuz. It looks like it's been a roller coaster for you" my cousin May replied with a wink.

"Yeah it has been" I said and laughed a little.

May has been a great support for me, she is also in a relationship with Drew. They have been together non stop with no arguments, except for the nicknames like April.

Amourshipping High - The Hero Returns  (Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now