Calem's plan

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Clemont POV

I took a gulp down my tight squeezed throat as sweat slides down my forehead, feeling a tickle on my cheek as it slides down to my chin.

I was now sitting down on a chair, gazing my eyes at a turned on computer screen that made the light reflect my glasses.

I couldn't move or run out because someone was standing beside me which stood Calem.

We are now sitting in  silence, not saying a single word to each other. I wanted to call or  scream but I couldn't do it. The doors were locked and maybe students outside may not hear my voice clearly.

I took a slight glimpse at Calem having his arms crossed, waiting for me to type on a opened computer.

"Well I'm waiting" his  voice alert my ear but I didn't move a single inch, my body felt a cold  shiver. I don't know what he would do but I hope it's not  something serious.

There was mentally sign from him and spoke, looking at my back head.

"I'm waiting" he responds.

The reason he told me was to hack into my friend account. Which was Ash's?

I didn't know what he wanted to do him. But then I realized what he really wanted from Ash. Which was Serena, he wanted her to come back in his arms, now I'm stuck here with him.

I should have stayed with the guys at gym, but I'm not great at sports or anything - just science.

We've been staying like this for two minuets. Silence was taking over, a drop of water came from a tap and splashes into a pool sink, clock was ticking away past my lunch.

I was about to turn around to face him, saying no but instead he came up first and spoke in my face.

"Listen, I don't have time for waiting, do this hack now!," he demanded, pointing at the screen.

I glanced at a bright screen then Calem and shook my head in no for response.

Calem scrunched his nose and slams his fist on a wooden table beside. Making a loud sound across room. Angrily looking at me, but soon changed which left me confused of why it did.

He leaned back and grinned evilly which made my emotion turned down to earth. Thinking terror is coming, which it consistently did.

He flashed at me and held up his hand turning it into a fist and swung, landing a strong blow on my cheek. Making a loud crack with pain shooting up like a tooth has just broke out.

With a sputter of blood from  my mouth and immediately pinned immensely to the ground which was double painful  before crashing my head. My glasses flung out after that painful  hit causing my vision to go all blurry in less focus, like i was k.o into a fight, I wonder how guys fight like this?

I tried pushing up like a push up,  lifting my own weak body but it was no use, it just stuck to ground due to my weak strength. I glanced behind at Calem who had a smirk, looking evilly at me. I  didn't know what it was, but it was not a good sign, not good at all.

I looked back, breaking my gaze and crawled trying to get away from this boy but it was no use.  I was still on the floor while Calem walks over then stops beside me and goes into a squat position. Gazing at my face having my  bloodied mouth dripping to the floor. I felt a great pain arising from one of my  tooth which I think is broken.

Calem stares at me for a second. I know he was trying to hold a laugh. I really want to punch him but am too weak to move.

"Do it" he said with a sinister smirk.  "or else your sweet little sister gets it" he menacingly said which caught my surprise.

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