New champion day out

Start from the beginning

He puts hand in front of Paul eyes, clicking his fingers. "Hey, Paul"

Paul broke his gaze at Dawn and looks at The gang, who were now looking at him.

"You alright man, you just dozed off." Drew asked.

"Yeah I'm fine" Paul spoke with a little nervousness but Gary picked this up and knew why he was acting like this.

"Is it, Dawn" Gary said with a smirk on his lip.

Paul eyes widen "What! no, that's pathetic" He remarked with e little blush formed across on his cheeks which can be clearly seen.

The gang noticed and started to smirk, trying to tease the purple head boy.

"I must say, is Paul blushing" Cilan teased.

"I think he is" Gary said and laughs with the group which made Paul blush even more.

"Pathetic" he murmured under his breath.

As the boys continued with the tease. The bell rang, ending their lunch break. 
Pikachu heard the sound and climbs onto Ash's shoulder again. Ash pets Pikachu on the chin making it let out a coeed sound.

The gang left the cafeteria and head over to their lessons as they walked down the packed hallways were all eyes from student were on Ash who soon notices his surroundings.

"Why are they all looking at me" Ash questioned and glances at each student, walking past them.

"Because Ashy-boy your a school champ, and you know what that means." Gary smirks, continues on walking to class which left Ash confused on what his friend just said, and Serena suspicious.

The gang entered the classroom and went into their original seats. Ash was sitting next to Gary with Pikachu jumping off from his shoulder and onto the table, while Dawn and Serena where sitting behind them. On the other hand. May was sitting with Drew which made both their cheeks blush in embarrassment, while Misty and Iris sat down next to each other, and last Clemont was sitting next to Cilan with Paul behind them at back row seat. Alone.

Soon after they have sat down, a shy girl approaches in front of Ash with a book in her bare hands near to her chest.

"U-um, c-can I have your autograph" the girl nervously spoke, loud enough for the raven boy to hear.

Ash looks up at her and raised an eyebrow of why this girl approached him, Gary on the other hand smirk that his friend was getting the ladies while Serena had a serious jealous expression, glaring furiously at the shy girl. However, Dawn notices and smiles at her jealous friend.

Ash finally spoke with a smile "sure." He nods for an answer.

The girl smiles from his acceptance and hands him the book. Ash took it off her hand and scribbles his name on it. After that, he hands it back to her which she walks away to her own seat and puts the book in her own bag.

Gary slightly glances at Ash giving a side way look and smirks "Aye Ashy-boy, you hitting the ladies eh." extracting the word on ladies.

Ash now looks at Gary beside him, shaking his head with a sign at the same time. "No Gary, I'm not."

Gary face turns immediately from smirk to confusion "Eh, what do you mean, your a champion. Every girl is going to hit on you now."

When Gary said this, Serena was getting more jealous by the minute. She remembers when her and Calem where a couple before he became a champion. Throughout the year, some girls were flirting, giving confession and autographs. Serena knew this from her time with Calem. But a thought struck in her mind. What if someone steal Ash away from her grasp? What if she is too late to break up with Calem and Ash moves on?

She shook away the negative thought around her head and carried on looking at the two boys who where talking quietly amongst each other without getting the teachers attention. Soon the teacher spoke out making the two boys stop their conversation and focus on the lesson.

"Class, lets begin on algebra" the teacher spoke and goes to every seating, handing out sheets of paper to every student in the class which where round about thirty you could say.

After that. The students looked at the sheets in front of them, some where quite easy while others where hard to explain. Ash saw this first and quickly wrote all the questions down, he knew maths because it was a easy subject for him since he uses battles for strategy and time, also he had to cover up the paper so Gary won't copy all his answers.

When the class finished their test, they handed over their sheets to the teacher as the bell rang, ending their maths lesson. All the students in the class left the room and head towards their next lesson. The gang came out from their classroom and started talking about the test in class.

"That was hard" May asked, coming out the class with Drew beside her.

"Yeah, tell me about it."Misty replied, folding her arm crossed.

"I thought it was easy" Dawn chirped in.

"Well in my prediction of science, I thought it was very easy" Clemont said, position his glasses making it shined white, reflecting the light.

The gang sweat-dropped as they all come out from the class, then head over to their next class which was geography.

Finally walking through hallway and arrived at the class. the gang went inside, into their own seat.

Gary sat down next to Misty which made her blush as she sits next to her crush, Iris and May we're sitting at the front row together, the same goes with Cilan and Clemont. Paul and Drew were at the back row seat.

Ash looked around to see if there was a open seat then his eyes stopped at a desk which was near to Serena as he was about to walk on when suddenly a door opened with a loud bang that echoed across the room as silence fell around atmosphere, Ash stopped in his tracks and looks directly at the door even the classroom, but what they saw left them speechless.

Standing near at the door was their former champion, Calem, who comes in the classroom and walks to his desk next to Serena without saying a word.

Ash felt sad by watching from a couple metres away that Calem sat next to her but shook it off, so he finds another seat which was next to Dawn and sat down as she smiles.

On the other hand, Serena started to get jealous again of her best friend, who was sitting next to her crush. She did feel upset that Ash didn't sat next to her, however she did felt scared of her boyfriend, who didn't say a single word before entering the classroom.  

Then, the teacher came from the door and spoke. Starting their class.

Amourshipping High - The Hero Returns  (Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now