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Ben laid asleep in Cameron's hand as Cameron watched a movie in their room. Ben sat up awake the movie must have woken him up. It was a movie Ben had never seen but the part that was on depicted of a man brutally punching, smacking, and hitting a young boy. Suddenly Ben got hit with a flashback it was the day before he left. (Chapter before this) Cameron didn't know that Ben was awake. Warm tears stung Ben's eyes Cameron started to look down so Ben acted asleep. Cameron placed Ben in his bed and whispered, "Night" then turned off the TV.

-2 hours later-

Cameron was asleep but Ben was wide awake packing his things. Tears were stinging his eye's he was just about to leave but suddenly his eyes landed on his pillow. He walked over to it lifted the pillow up and there was his journal he put the pillow down and grabbed the journal. He stared at it for a while then without hesitation he turned around and chucked it landing on the floor with a quiet thud. Ben turned back around put on his backpack and looked down on Cameron. Cameron had his arm hanging off the bed Ben thought that's my way out he climbed down the bed post walked over to Cameron's arm and climbed down. Before he landed on the ground Ben looked over at Cameron's big thumb climbed over to it and hugged it. Ben then ventured across the carpet once at the door he looked back. "Bye" Ben said as he walked over to the front door.

"Why Ben, Why!" Sorry for giving you the feels.

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