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I woke up and a large tiring yawn escaped my mouth. I looked up at Cameron wasn't awake yet. I decided to go back to bed, but suddenly my feet started moving I looked down I was slipping! I tried to crawl back up but I couldn't. I ended up falling in between his arm and his chest I couldn't move if I would stay there her could crush me. So I decided to call his name. "CAMERON, CAMERON!" I cried. He woke up he looked at me with his blue eyes. He picked me up. "What happened?" He said eventually. "Well, umm I..I sort of fell down there and I was scared that you were going to crush me." I said calming down. "But I would never crush you." "I know but you were asleep." He nodded in agreement then apologized. He then put me on my bed he then left to go do something. I laid my head on my pillow there was something under it I stuck my hand under and pulled out a journal! I opened it it was blank so I started to write:

                                        I have a strong amount of trust for this family they ha-

At that moment Cameron came in I stuffed the journal under the pillow. "You ready?" He asked. "For what?" "Breakfast" He said. "Oh then Yes" I responded.

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