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"Well I'm glad your safe Ben." Laura said looking at Ben sitting on the table. "I would be worse if Cameron and May didn't come." He replied as he turned around to see both of them behind him. He itched a large gash on his chest. Dan and Laura noticed for the first time. "How did you get that scar?" Dan said. Ben felt warm tears well up in his eyes. "My family was not only poor but my dad was an alcoholic and he would beat me." Some tears fell down at that last part. " I'm so sorry." Laura said picking him up. Ben snuggled into her chest letting his tears fall. "It's okay we would never hurt you that badly." Laura said with sympathy in her voice. Cameron and May came over. Ben calmed down. "Its time for bed and tomorrow is Saturday." Laura said Then handed Ben over to Cameron. May walked to her room,"Good Night Cameron and Ben." "Good night." They replied in unison.

~~time skip~~

"Cameron please wake up."Ben cried for the fifth time. After a mumble of words his eyes opened. "What Ben." He said in surprised and gentle tone. "Can I sleep with you?" Ben asked nervously. "Sure, why?" "I had a dream about my dad." Ben said quietly. Cameron picked him up placed him on his chest. "Thank you." "No problem Good Night." Cameron said gently. "Good Night."

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