the past

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Back on earth (the day before Ben was sent to gargantuan)

"Dad! Please stop your hurting me!" Ben yelled at his drunken father. Blood dripped all around his body. "I'll stop when you stop disobeying!" He said hitting Ben with the bat again. "Dad your drunk!" Ben said with tears dripping down his cheeks the tears mixed with his blood and into his sores, blood mixed with tears is the saddest concoction. Just then Bens mom came home a horrified look on her face, "Justin! Why are you beating our son!"
She said. "Well hello to you to Maria." Ben just laid their not paying any attention to their argument he was to busy trying to stay alive. "That's it I have had it with you Justin! Get out of my house and never come back!" Maria shouted. Justin stumbled out of the house and to his car. Ben's father got into a car crash that night and died.

-the next day-

Maria got enough money to send Ben to Gargantuan. If he would of stayed he would have died. Before Ben got on the flight his mother gave him a necklace it had a picture of her on it and now when ever Ben looks at it he can't help but weep.


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