next year

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I'm 12 years old now, and and things are quite different now. Dan and Laura adopted a giant child her name is Grace and she is 13 like Cameron. Over the year I found out that Cameron and May were also adopted.  Laura said that she was sterile (sterile means she can't have children). Anyway Grace is a good girl. At first I could tell she was nervous just like I was when this family adopted me. When Grace she talked to only Dan and Laura but she the extended to Cameron, May, and me. Today is my 12th birthday and I do not fell 12 I'll tell you that much. I fell the same as I did yesterday when I was eleven. Dan told me that his parents were coming into town to celebrate my birthday which I had mixed emotions about that. For one I had never met them so I am scared. Also I really want to meet them.  I walked into the kitchen and before I knew what was happening I was swept from the ground and came face to face with Grace."Good mourning Ben!"she said a little bit to excitedly. "Oh..good mourning to you to."I said. "Happy Birthday!"she said. "Thanks for remembering that."I said. She quickly replied "How could I forget." She pulled me into a gentle face hug. My entire body was pressed against her face. I didn't try to fight it. Once Grace sees you there is a 99.8% you will get hugged.

Small in a GIANT worldحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن