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-Monday at school-

School was almost done about five minutes left. I was walking down the hall when out of no where Jack (the school bully) pushes me down. "Get up Dweeb!" He shouted. I got up and quickly socked him right in the face blood dripped down his nose. "Your just asking for it!" I sprinted almost tripping over my books. After a while we made it to the giant hallway my sides were burning but jack was more fit then me so nothing slowed him. Then all of a sudden I couldn't hear his foot steps I stopped and turned around he was gone. I peeked over I saw Darren holding Jack! "What has Mom told you about bullying other humans." Darren said with a gentle and annoyed tone. "I'm sorry big brother."Jack mumbled. "Don't apologize to me apologize to Ben." Darren placed Jack down. "Sorry Ben." He mumbled. "Good now you are staying with me and Ben Cameron is right over there." Darren said. "Thanks" While I was walking over to Cameron I was thinking to myself. I have nothing to worry about here I have three giant protector's Darren, Cameron, and May. I made it to Cameron's locker he picked me up. "Ready to go get to May then leave?" I nodded for I was looking forward to going home.


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