I opened my office door and walked in. I set my purse on the floor next to my feet and started up my computer. I leaned back, fuming, while it booted up. Then, I took out my USB and plugged it in. I was about to pull up the submission that I was working on yesterday  when my office phone rang. I picked it up. 

"Savanna Blackwell, EIC," I answered, puting on my business voice. 

"My office now," a voice growled. I swallowed. The voice was British and low. The call went dead, the dial tone buzzing in my ears. 

I put the phone back on the reciever and stood up, my palms sweaty. This could not be good. I should really stop insulting and cussing at my boss. I walked back to the elevator, grateful that no one else was here, and yet, I wanted them to be. I wanted Josh to be here, so I could focus my thoughts on him instead of the fine ass British man upstairs. I tapped my phone nervously as I waited for the doors to open on the fifth floor. 

When they did, I stepped out. He was waiting for me at the door. Oh, god. I should really stop insulting him. He was quiet as I walked towards him. 

"Sit down," he growled, green grey eyes were dark and he looked like he was ready to yell at me or push me against the wall and have his way with me. I did as I was told and I crossed my legs as he shut the door and took the seat behind his desk. He folded his hands on top of it as his eyes regarded me. 

"You really need to watch your mouth, Miss Blackwell," he said, slowly. "I will not have you treating me like a common employee here."

I rolled my eyes and leaned forward. 

"You need to make up your mind," I retorted. "Either you want me or you don't. But it doesn't matter because I'm with Josh, I think. So why don't you just grow up and get over it?"

The veins on his neck became prominant. Although I had to say, riling him up was quite fun. I should do this a little more. He leaned back in his chair and took a deep breath closing his eyes. He looked like he ws trying to control himself. 

"Savanna, you need to stop. I'm not the kind of person you want to push," he growled, opening his eyes. I sat up straight. 

"I'm not the person that likes having their personal lives messed with, Christopher," I spat. He leaned forward. 

"I like the way you said my name," he growled, desire showing now. Crap. This isn't where this conversation was supposed to go. 

"Say it again." 

I shook my head. 

"No, I'm with Josh now, Mr. James," I replied, my voice slightly shaking.  "You should  really keep it professional." He got up, leaning on his hands on the table. I swallowed, feeling warmth growing in the pit of my stomach. "You cannot be doing this." I stood up and turned around. I felt a hand enclose around my arm, just above my elbow. I turned, glaring.

"No, you don't get to play fucking mind games with me. You need to decide what you're goi-" I wasn't able to finish my sentene. 

He crashed his lips to mine, though it was awkward because of the desk. His hands entangled themselves in my hair. I kissed him back. God, his lips were firm and tasted like cherry. Must be chapstick. He bit my bottom lip, asking for permission. I didn't grant it and he bit harder, making me moan and he took that oppurtunity to slide his tongue into my mouth. I fought back, trying to force him out but not wanting him to leave. I took a step forward and sat halfway on the desk to kiss him better. His hands encircled my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck. My skin was numb from where he touched me. It was a good numb though. It made me feel alive. 

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