14: World

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"The coming out of Kendall Jenner"

'Keeping up with the Kardashians' star Kendall Jenner  came out as a gay woman in a moving personal speech at her mother's house, surrounded by her loved ones while recording one of the episodes of the upcoming seasons for their reality show "I need to tell you guys that I'm in fact gay" quoting the starlet words as she said. She also mentioned being in love with some she called 'the love of her life'

So what do you think guys? Please let us know in our social media pages.

I stood in the middle of the living room looking at the TV, the episode aired yesterday and ever since it did people had been calling me nonstop. Press, friends, family, stalkers. But I've been ignoring them, hoping they'll just leave me alone to cope with this.

And somewhere deep inside me I was hoping Val would see this and call me telling me how proud she was of me and that she was ready to forgive me. But she didn't and frankly that was keeping me a little bit sad.

"I bet a lot of people admire you" Brody said, I knew it was true. My mentions on twitter were blowing up with positive messages, mostly.

"I bet that too" Kylie added

My family had been very supportive; I talked to Brody, Brandon and Cassandra right after we finished filming. They were a little unsure at first but after I talked to them about Val they understood how in love I was with her and how she had managed to make me a better person. She did, I could feel how she changed me.

But somehow I understood that maybe some people were meant to be in our lives for a short period just to help us with the rest of our lives. Hopefully she would come back, I had hope for that.

"You need to talk about her" Kim suggested but, she was my little secret. My little world and I could be myself when I was with her, she knew everything.

"Do you think it is a good idea?" I asked unsure

"It's a great idea" Mom said looking from her phone "and you should talk about her on today's interview"

"You're out in 2" a girl came to my dressing room, I took a deep breath

"In 5, 4, 3, 2, 1" and suddenly I was walking on the stage towards the white couch next to Ellen, it was a smooth choice. Ellen was gay and it would be a lot easier to digest with the kind of audience she had.

"Hello Kendall is really nice to have you here" she smiled

"Hi Ellen, thank you for having me"

"It was actually a surprise when you decided to come, you've been out of the spotlight for a couple of months" she said

"I was having health issues and I needed time to recover" I said calmly

"But you are okay now?" she asked

"I'm still battling it but I'm much better" I smiled

"Care to share?" she laughed

"Well, I went through a very hard time with sentimental issues" the crowd gasped

"But not with the person you think, Rakim and I weren't dating, it was a huge mistake and I hurt a lot of people with those words I said"

"So you and Rakim weren't a thing" she asked

"No, we never dated, we are just good friends and he is now engaged with a girl he adores" I smiled

"We know now, and if you haven't heard" she said turning to the audience "That you are gay" she said

I'm sorry [Kendall Jenner]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin