Dance Lesson

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Louis' POV

I CAN'T BELIEVE HARRY HUGGED ME! He actually hugged me. I always thought he didn't know that I exist! This is crazy! Well it didn't last long because Taylor interrupted us while we we're talking. Speaking of rude, Justin thought it would be funny to my journal, not a diary, in the library. Lucky no one looked at it because it has everything in there! CatLover, Harry, drawings of Harry, lyrics, dance routines I made up, and some journal entries.

Right now I'm back at the diner cleaning underneath a table. Thought that was easy, try to get gum off the table, it's not just one? Oh no, there's like twenty pieces of gum underneath this old table! Not cool! I also have many other chores both at the diner and at home to do before the devils come back. I need to hurry because I go to a dance studio and dance by myself. Well there's a mirror showing what's happening on the other side while my side is unseen.

I finished with cleaning, making snacks, and well, my normal chores. I grabbed my skateboard and headed off to the dance studio. Just then my phone beeped right as I got to the studio.

'Hey there's a school dance coming up, you going?
- CatLover'

'I don't know yet, why? Planning on seeing me?
- SwagMaster'

'Is that bad? I just really want to see you
- CatLover'

'Maybe I am closer than you think. But how should I know?

'Yeah I guess. Hey I have to go. Talk to you later?
- CatLover'

'Okay. Bye!
- SwagMaster'

I went to the side of dance studio I know no one uses meanwhile being extremely quite so no one will know I'm there. I snuck in by going through the window, not making any sound. Well at least trying to. Just then my brothers and some other kids from school walked in the other side, which is even weirder Harry walked in but he was laughing at something on his phone not paying any attention to Taylor. Finally the dance instructor entered and clapped her hands. "Okay class Harry Styles is here to teach some new moves and tips because we have a performance for anyone. So Harry take it away!" I started to stretch out my limps while Harry spoke.

"Okay so I'll show you some moves and try your best to copy okay? Might be hard but good luck." He did some dance moves and I copied. He laughed at a point because he was doing random moves which, I couldn't just let him do all the funny business so I did some wacky moves then giggled. I didn't know that Harry Styles can dance. I mean I know that he's a celebrity and all, but the only thing that I know is that he can sing. And he's really good. Just then Harry's "girlfriend" came up and started dancing with him. More like grinding on him, but he wasn't having any of that so he backed away from her and she fell on the ground and people laughed. That's new. No one does that to Taylor Swift! No one!

He showed some moves he said that could be use at the school dance. It looks like tango, my favorite. He went up to the mirror to show an example, while I follow his lead. He placed his hand where supposed to be a waist, which to me it looked like mine. We did the tango that looked like salsa. Not hard for me! We did it for awhile finally he made the motion when the person across from him is to spin. I spun around and he did as well, so our backs are to each other. When we turn back to the mirror he looks like he's right there in front of me. His hands were over mine and I can only imagine how they can fit into mine. He looks confused then shakes it off. "That was great everyone. If you dance like that on stage and at the concert they'll totally pick you. And if you get pick, you can be in my new music video. It's a blast." My goodness this guy is trying to kill me!

Everyone was cheering then the instructor spoke. "Well done, just fabulous! Thank you Harry, we better see you at the school dance." Everyone agreed and patted Harry on the back. Man being popular looks so much better, than my stupid life. Just then a phone went off, whoops. That's a big no I'm this studio. "What I say about cell phones? Who has it?" That kid is so in troub- oh shoot it's mine!

I slid to my bag and grabbed my phone revealing it's Caroline. "Hello?" I whispered.

"WHERE ARE YOU?! You're supposed to make me dinner before you do you whatever you do!" She shouted in my ear.

"I'm so sorry. I lost track of time. I'll try better next time I promise." I whispered, very scared.

"Yeah you better be! And stop whispering. I can't hear you. You should know that I don't know how to make a meal! So I made cereal and it's your fault! So get back home, I have many chores for you, you worthless fag!" She shouted at me.

"Yes ma'am." I hung up my phone sighing, great more chores than ever. Whoopee. I hope it's not watching her or Justin do sound check. Don't me started about how Caroline does her sound check.

First hair and make up, which in my opinion makes her look like a clown. Then it's wardrobe. I really don't to mention it. What I've seen is not worth repeating. Why did I have to walk while she was changing. YUCK!!!

Uh hi! Nice to see you guys again. Eh... I'm sorry I met these wonderful, sweet, funny, amazing singers and dancers, and charming guys. No, not One Direction (I wish). But I told you guys before, they are called After Romeo! They are Very talented. Go watch them. There's Drew, TC, (idk what that stands for) Devin, Blake, and Jayk. (Yup that's how it's spelled.) They came to my school and sang there for ant bullying. Their tour name is The Bully Proof Tour. I got 4/5 to touch my hand that day. And the women's choir was to stay behind, which I'm not in, so I pretended I was in it, so I met them, got their autographs, hugged them, and took a picture and I was behind Jayk and Drew. So then I asked Devin who is his influences and turns out he likes the same thing I do! And he asked if I was going to the free concert the next day and I was like, "HECK YA I'M GOING!"

So then they had a free concert at a mall me and my friend go to. We stood in the same spot for 4 hours before anyone came on. So finally they came on and me being in the first row, I got pushed, a lot. But it was TC's birthday so I yelled to him, Happy Birthday and of course he heard me! During the concert I got really good pictures all of them starring into my phone camera while holding my hand. Yup... ALL! So my mom bought me a T-Shirt with the logo and Juliet (Their fans are called Bromoes and Juliets) with a 5 on the back. With that I got to meet them again it was crazy! Long line though, wanted Selfies, and autographs then it started raining.

Lucky there was a parking garage next to us so no one will get wet. Finally it's my turn and they remembered me! They freaking remembered me! And my name!!! FANGIRLING!!!! So I asked if Blake and TC to kiss my cheek, Blake did, TC stuck out his tough out. So I got my picture, I went to Devin and said, "Told you I'd come." And they were glad to see me. I asked Drew if he and the boys can follow me on Kik.

Thought he said yes, well he did, but to help him remember me he said, "Ok. How about we take a Selfie and you can send it to me?" Cue me almost fainting, but we did it and I was freaking out! I was jumping yelling that I got a kiss by Blake, said Happy Birthday to TC face to face, to talk Devin, who is 16, again, feel Jayk's muscles, and taking a Selfie with Drew. So that's that.

I hope you miss me! I missed you! Oh I'll put a After Romeo song on the side just to let you guys yell me to stop fangirling about them and go back to 1D, but gonna warn ya when you listen to them, you'll never stop going back to them. Have a great day! And I just realize it's been a year since I've been on here so thank you for everything!

Keep smiling! Vote/Comment/All the things you do!

~Xx Ali :)

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