13 years ago

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"Mummy! Mummy! Look what I found!" Little Louis said with a little object in his hand. "What do we have here?" Johanna Tomlinson came down to her son's height and heard a little tweet from Louis' tiny hands.

She looked and saw that her son had a little bird with a broken wing. "I found her on the ground and she tried to get back up but she's too hurt. Can you fix her mummy?"

Jay gave her son a kiss on his forehead and said "I'll see what I can do."

"I'm home!" Mark Tomlinson said coming in from his long day at work. "Where's my little sport now?"

"Daddy! " Louis ran to his father's arms and Mark spun him around causing Louis to giggle.

"Guess what daddy brought today" Louis was always so excited when his father brings home a new book or gives him candy.

"New book?" Louis asked.

"Close... it's a book with candy!" Sometimes Mark brings both things to make Louis super happy.

"Oh BooBear! Come look!" Louis raced back to his mother's workroom and saw the little bird that broken her wing is now fix.

"Oh mum! She's all better! Can we give her back to her family now?" Jay gave her son a smile nod and little Louis raced out to the garden and spoke to the bird. "You're okay now. You can fly away. Come back with your little birdies." With that the bird flew away.

Louis was so happy with his life he had a mum and a dad nothing could ruin his happiness.

Well until one day Jay became very ill. "I need my boy for a moment." She told the doctor that check on her.

"Mum? You're gonna get better right?" Louis had tears coming down his face. He doesn't want his mum to die.

"I don't think I am dear. But promise me this. If your father gets married again promise you'll stay strong."

"I promise. I promise with all my heart." Little Louis was very upset seeing his mum dying right in front of him.

"And Louis, I want you to have this." Jay took off the necklace around her neck and placed it around Louis'. Louis looked down at the necklace, it was a blue shaped heart that matched his and his mum's eyes. He gave his mum a smile. "You'll be a great boy Lou I just know it." Jay gave him one last kiss before she died.

Later on that same year his father met and new woman, Caroline Flack with her sons, Josh and Ashton. They were mean and nasty to Louis but Louis remembered his promise to his mum.

"Hey look! You're wearing jewelry! That makes you gay! Are you?" Louis didn't understand, he thought his stepbrothers were supposed to be nice. And on top of that he also didn't know what gay meant.

"No it's my mum's. She gave it to me before she died." Louis said proudly.

Couple months later Louis' father and Caroline got married and Louis tried to be nice during to wedding. "Louis would you like to dance with your father?" Louis always loved dancing with his father.

It was almost Louis' sixth birthday and Louis couldn't wait for it. Louis' father was about to go in a village to get Louis' present on horseback; but suddenly he was having chest pains. His father fell off his horse and had a heart attack. "Father?!" Louis called out. Not hearing a response he called again. "Papa! PAPA!" Louis ran out to see his father but when he got there it was too late. His father passed away. Louis hugged his father's dead body and cried his little eyes out. Caroline, Ashton, and Justin ran to Louis and his father and tried to get him off. "Let me go! Papa! Don't die!" Louis yelled.

"This is your fault!" Caroline yelled at Louis.

"What?! How is it my fault?!" Louis asked.

"You just wanted him to have all the attention on you! You twarp!" Justin pointed the blame on Louis.

"No I didn't! He's my father! He all he wanted me to have fun!" Louis shouted.

"Well he's dead now where's the fun now? Oh right nowhere!" Louis started to sob, he hates being yelled at.

"Stop crying!" Justin yelled at him.

"No!" Louis yelled back.

"No?" Caroline questioned him.

"No! I can cry if I want to! And I promised my mum this: if my father got married again, I would stay strong and that's what I'm doing!"

"Well, you parents are now both dead! I have somethings you need to do. You'll clean everything, cook everything, almost anything we ask for. And you will sleep in the attic for now on! Got that twarp?! And you may call me ma'am and miss. For your brothers say their names. Got that?" Caroline told him.

"Yes ma'am." Louis mumbled.

"What was that?"

"Yes ma'am." Louis said louder.

"Good now get your stuff and get to the attic and start cleaning!"

That's only the beginning of Louis horrible life...

A/N: I hope this is good I seen a lot of Cinderella movies and I really wanted to do this now I am! Sorry if it sounds very depressing! Sorry! But hope you enjoyed it! Thanks love you! Keep smiling! :) Xx Ali!

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