
Zayn's Point of View

Levi and I sat in a local restaurant and pub, eating as I waited for Jackie to show up to see if she was able to talk to Selena. The afternoon was catching and soon was the night, and Jacqueline was nowhere in sight.
"Dude you sure you don't want to go to the hospital, to check out that ribcage?" Levi brought up. "'Make sure it's not broken or anything?" He said, sitting on the other side of the booth, biting into peanuts and drinking some beer.
"I'm fine." I told him. "Nothing is wrong, I'm ok." I told him. "Jaqueline needs to hurry the fuck up." I exclaimed in a average tone.
"Speaking of the devil." Levi said, turning his attention towards the door.
A clear sound of whistles and cat calls were heard in that direction, I turned around to see that it was Jackie, who walked in and caught the attention of every idiot here, but all she could do is smile and wave, as she approached out table and sat down next to me.
"Hey boys." She said with a smile, reaching into Levi's tray of peanuts and opened some, popping them into her mouth.
"Way to make an entrance." I said annoyed.
"Jealous?" She whispered, wrapping her arm around mine that rested on the table and pressed her lips against my cheek.
I chuckled and said nothing else. "So did you talk to her?" I questioned. "Please tell me you talked to her."
She sighed. "I tried." I admits.
"Tried Jaqueline?" I glance over at her.
"Just when I was about to ask if we could talk, stupid ass Lucy showed up." She sighs in annoyance. "What was I suppose to do?" She lifted her shoulders carelessly.
"Maybe ask her out for lunch?" Levi suggested.
"Yes Li, imagine a lunch between Selena, Lucy and I at one fucking table?" Jackie argued back. "It would only take second, for me to knock that bitch over the face, leaving Selena wondering what the fuck is going on and me getting thrown out of the restaurant." She said.
"Calm down." He motioned with his hands. "It was only a suggestion."
Jackie, sarcastically smiled. "Plus, Selena is clueless." She says. "She literally introduced me to Lucy and I had to shake hands with that bitch, you don't know how many times I had to wash my hand afterwards." She says. "Plus she thinks, you and I are dating, she nearly called me your girlfriend until I corrected her."
"How could she not?" Levi added in. "You both act like it. What she saw that night at the frat party, only confirmed it to her." Levi added.
"C'mon bruv." I added. "You both know Jackie and I been at this shit since high school."
"I do." Levi said pointing at his chest. "But Selena, doesn't. Besides, I just think you all need to come clean about everything, Lucy goes to uni here, she's unavoidable, we all collectively know each other, this is only going to turn into a bigger mess as time goes by." He says.
"Do you want Selena to hate me for life?" I questioned my best mate.
"She'll only hate you more, if you keep the truth from her." He says. "And let this whole thing get outta hand." He suggests.
Levi's words resented me, he was probably right, but what if everything he suggested turned out the opposite way? Selena would hate me, I know she would. With one world out of Lucy's mouth, it would be enough for her to hate me. Lucy had a way with words, it would only take seconds.
"Look who just walked in." Levi said turning his attention towards the door, I glanced over as well, and realized it was Lucy and Selena, who went and sat down at one of tables, where they were handed menus having no acknowledgement of our presence here.
Selena's Point of View

Lucy and I walked in and sat down at one of the tables, where we were handed menus. I glanced over at Lucy who was looking into her menu, when something caught her attention for a second. I turned the direction she did and it was Zayn, Jackie and Levi walked out together. Except, Levi walked out a bit ahead of them. While Zayn and Jackie, walked out with Jackie's arm wrapped around Zayn's.
I thought back on Jackie's words, and how she mentioned that she was Zayn's friend. But the way they acted with each other, didn't seem like they were, they acted like something more and it's something I don't understand. The kissing, the touching, they were more than just friends, and that was clear. Jackie had lied to me.
"Friends huh?" Lucy broke the silence, almost like she read my thoughts. "She lied you, Selena." Lucy said setting her menu down onto the table. "Jackie and Zayn, one for the other." She said.
"What do you mean?" I questioned.
"Don't you know?" Her eyes widen. "Jackie, from what I heard around campus." She says leaning into the table to tell me in a whisper. "Is a whore." She says. "She's had more dicks in her mouth, than you've had boyfriends." She says. "I'm surprised you haven't heard. She sleeps around all the time." Lucy adds. "Different guy, every night." She adds.
"Oh." I say. I don't really know what to say. "Is that why you acted weird around her, earlier?" I questioned.
"I wanted to tell you." She says. "But I didn't think it was appropriate to tell you while she was there." Lucy said. "Listen, I don't know what Zayn and Jackie have going on with each other, but Jackie is no saint and neither is Zayn." Lucy adds. "I wouldn't be surprised if they sleep around with each other, but don't want to claim they're in a relationship." She lifts her shoulders carelessly and turns her attention back to the menu.
I didn't know much about Jackie in relation to Zayn, but she didn't strike me as that kind of girl. Lucy keeps mentioning these rumors, but I haven't heard anything since I arrived. I don't know where Lucy was getting all her information from. Maybe, Vanessa and Ashely knew a bit more.
It had been quiet for the rest of out afternoon lunch, when Chris, had appeared at our table. "Hello ladies." He said. "Selena, nice to see you again." He smiled.
My eyes widen, when I noticed the purple bruises on his eyebrow and knuckles, his busted lip and nearly black eye that he tried covering with makeup. "Hi." I smiled, trying to cover up the fact that I had taken notice.
Lucy's eyes widen and turned her attention to me then back at Chris. "Selena, you know this guy?" Lucy pointed, and her sudden bluntness struck me. Chris glanced over at Lucy with a questionable look and pointed at himself, about to speak, when Lucy was waiting for my answer.
I cleared my throat. "Uhm yeah, he's one of Zayn's friends." I said. "I met him at the frat party the other night." I say.
"Friend?" Chris chuckled. "If you can call him that." He says.
"Wait...he did this to you?" Lucy exclaimed.
"If it isn't because someone held him back I would be in the hospital right now." He said. "I'm fine though. Nothing a few bandages can't fix." He said with a chuckle.
"I'm so sorry, this happened to you Chris." I said, not really knowing what else to tell him.
"It's nothing." He said. "It's really Zayn who should be apologizing to me." He said. "We're not on talking terms right now." He added. "Anyways, see you around ladies." He smiled. "Selena." He said, with a slight nod and wink and walked off.
"See Selena." Lucy said as soon as Chris walked away. "What I have been trying to prove to you all along." She says. "Zayn is not a good person." She brings up for what seemed like the billionth time. "He nearly killed your friend Chris." Shes said.
"Yeah, I guess you're right." I say, not really wanting to say much.

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