Chapter 16 - Day In & Day Out: Adaptation

Start from the beginning

"Please. Just for five minutes." I say in a puppy-like voice, trying to find a consciously sensible part of her, stubborn head body.

"VALERIA!" She yells again, breathing like a oxygenless marathon runner.



"Oooh, come on, Desh. Just a little longer. Pleasseee!" I plead.

"Okay!" She says quietly and too calmly. Wait, "What?" she doesn't respond. Its spine-chillingly quiet, to the extent of the silence lurking at me. That woke me up completely. I jerk up immediately, turning in the bed, but before I can get a grasp of what's happening around me, I feel ice-cold liquid drizzling down my poor body. That makes me screech, something along the lines of, "NDDEEESSSHHHI!"

"No, you didn't." I breathe hardly, shivering, sending her my megawatt glare, getting all emotional all of a sudden. Damn pregnancy.

"Oh, sweety I just did." She waves the bucket she used to vandalize me, in my face, not minding my emotional state. "Now get your bum out of that bed. You late."

"Wait, what?" I snap up. And just like that, emotional Valeria is done, dusted and toast aside. She sighs. Just sighs and kind of too dramatic if you ask me. "You are late." She says matter-of-factly.

"Hey, why didn't you wake me up?" I shout-complain scrambling out of the bed in a haste, trying to get to the bathroom.

"Oh, and what exactly is it I have been doing for the last fifteen minutes, you hard head." She raises her voice. "To tell you I'm getting married to the prince of England? Of course not you doofus." I just release a heavy groan as a responds, quickly slipping out of my PJ's. "I'm so going to be so late and its all thanks to you." I throw her a look.

"Wait, how am I the one at fault if I'm even the one who had the decency of waking your lazy bum?" she furrowed her eyebrows.

"Oh, don't give me that look." I say, at last getting the bottoms off me. "If you didn't tell stories and disturb my most appreciated sleep until the ungodly wee hours of the morning, I wouldn't have been going through this now." I end in a huff.

"Oh, that." she smiles guiltily. "Sorry." She says stretching the –y at the end.

"Urgh, I'm so going to be late." I groan. Ndeshi opens her mouth to say something but I shut her up with a raised hand. " Don't say anything and just leave before I lose my last thread of mental normalcy and do..." I trail off, rushing into the bathroom. I poke my head back out in the room again with my bottom half still in the bathroom. "Please close the door on your way out. I don't want to see your face if I get out of here." I close the door behind me. I hear her huff, muttering some un-replenish unpleasantries that require PG warnings before anyone under the age of thirteen hears it.

It takes me an amount of fifteen minutes to get myself into a humanly acceptable form, acceptable in social gatherings, but as always the god-forsaken hair is the obstacle I've to overcome to bring myself to leave this place. I quickly take my hair into a ponytail, after taming them down a notch. I've shoulder length hair and it always baffles some people how a black person can have long hair. Racist swines. I get into a pair of faded skinny jeans and a white top paired with white vans. How did I come to get the clothes. Lets just say when I arrived here two days ago, I found my room already prepared and stocked with clothing of all sorts. I tried to complain and what-what but you know how that went. Me buckling giving up at the end.

I quickly look at myself, giving myself head nod. Appropriate and pick up the pack bag, which I luckily had the grace of packing last night. I'm planning on going to the library to study after the meeting and examination permit collection. I've to get everything in order, because the months I've been on the streets resulted in me slacking behind a bit and I need to speed up. The exam is next week Thursday. Today is Friday. That means I only have round about six days to prepare myself to full capacity.

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