Chapter 20

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2 Months Later ~~~~~~~~~~

It's been two months since the last time I saw Chapen or the Boys. It sucks really, I miss them, I know I shouldn't, but I do. Ever since I got home, I got a new apartment, a car, and a job. Life's really working out for me, well, better then it ever has. I work as a designer for a clothing store that is spread around world wide and I still have my buggy back home so I brought that with me. It gets lonely here in my apartment though, Chapen and I always thought that we'd grow up and get a apartment together but with the actions from a few months ago, we no longer talk to each other. I deleted and unfollowed her and Louis, Harry, Niall, and Liam on Face-book, twitter, tumblr, everything, not Zayn though, he's been treating me like he always has. He's never shut me out like everyone else did at first. I keep them all in my phone though, just in-case they try to call me, I don't accidentally answer. They haven't forgot about me though, they still text me and call me, well everyone but Chappy.

I sometimes talk to Zayn, he's like my big brother, he even knows what happen'd and why I left and he said he was sorry on all their parts. He asked me to come back and explain what happen but I couldn't do that. I didn't want to talk to anyone but him. He said that he's been giving Chapen the cold shoulder and so has Liam and Harry, he doesn't know why, but they are. I fully trust Zayn not to tell what happened to anyone. I'm glad he is on my side to though.  Buuzz

'Big Brother Zayn'

'Hey 'lil sis, we, mostly me, miss you out here. Chapen's not as cool to hang around without you! Please come back!! I love you:) I never knew how clingy Chapen is without you here ;D Haha. xx' The screen read. I love this boy, he always makes me laugh with just a smiley or a word, I don't know how, but he does.

'Hey big brother, I miss you to, how is everyone ? Chapen was never cool to hang out with >.< Haha I'm the awesome one! You know it! Hasn't she always been clingy ? Or is that mostly to Liam? Love you too:D xx'

I sent back and set my phone down on my lap turning the t.v on only to see Chapen on t.v. in an interview.

'Yeah, she has, hasn't she? ha-ha Thank god she is in a interview right now. xx' He sent back. I didn't text back right away though, nope, I was to interested in her interview. How had she made it so big in the first place? Oh yeah, she stole my chance.

"Who do you want to thank for helping you get where you are today?" The interviewer asked with her fake stupid, overly happy smile.

"Hmm, that's easy, I'd love to thank my fans, without you guys, I'd be no-where, I'd also like to that One Direction for taking me on tour with them and letting me sing in some of their concerts." She said innocently smiling.

"Anyone else?"

"Hmm, My producers, my manager, oh! I almost forgot! Moe Payton!!! If she showed up that night, I wouldn't be where I am, thanks to her forgetfulness, I am where I am." She said flashing the camera that innocent stupid smile! How dare she blame me for that! I just turned the t.v. off and threw the remote somewhere.

'How dare she say my 'forget-fullness' helped her get famous! She left ME in jail! WTH!' I texted back.

'Wait, what? I'm confused...what happened?'

'Are you watching her interview?'

'No >.< should I be ?'

'No, she just thanked you guys, her fans, her manager, her producers, and me..for my forget-fullness. argh...  stupid brat!'

'No way! Moe, I think you need to tell the guys, they deserve to know why you left. Babe, come on xx' He always calls me babe..I don't know why, but it stuck to me like glue.

'I can't, I am not telling a story over the phone again Zayn xx'

'Fine, you don't have to, open your door. xx ;D' He sent back and I was totally confused. I opened my door to see 5 One Direction members on my door step.

"MOE!" Zayn yelled surprising me bringing me back from fantasy world, tackling me in a hug. I hugged him back, I missed my big brother!

"Zayn." I said smiling back to him in a hug.

"Cough Cough..Where's my hug?!" Harry yelled laughing at us.

"Come here curly." I said giving him a hug. Most of the other guys just shut me out or just stood there. "So why are you guys here? Not trying to be rude, don't you have a tour?"

"Nah, well, yeah we have a tour, but we're free for four days! Now you can tell us why you disappeared." Harry said running to my living room jumping on my couch and laying sprawled out on it.

"Yeah, Why did you leave?"

"Why'd you ditch that concert?"

"She didn't ditch guys, let her talk." Zayn said calming them down while Liam was still the quiet one in the back staring at me.

"Sit down guys." I said motioning to the couches and the chairs. They all ran fighting for the rocking chair. Soon they all settled down. "Well, I guess you guys deserve an answer, well the day we arrived for your concert, when the fan bit me, I walked in. I was kinda jealous that everyone liked Chapen better then me and I have done absolutely nothing to deserve the hate I got while she got to sign autographs and take picture and she was the one to deserve the hatel. She was flirting with a 1D member that had a girlfriend while I only got bit and hate messages on twitter or in my mail and hate posters all around. I saw a little girl getting pushed around in the crowed like I had felt and had a security guard.

So I spent an hour or two with the girl and her brother, they we're 8 and 11 I think. There mom wanted me to take them home so I did, when I came back the gates where down and the booths where already up so there was no way I was getting back in. I called Chapp-Chapen to help me and the lady at the booth called security for something I said to Chapen on the phone and she hung up on me saying she'd get me out after the concert was over. That was after I called all of you at least four times, well, minus Niall's and Louis' 'cause I didn't have their numbers at the time. Zayn gave me them a week ago though. But anyways, I sat in the jail for two hours but after the first hour, I had called Zayn, Liam, and Harry at least ten times but no answer. I finally called Chapen demanding an answer for her rudeness and according to her, I had Liam wrapped around my fingers and wouldn't let her get near him.

I asked her what about Louis and she said she moved on because you had a girlfriend already. So she wanted fresh meat like Liam. She didn't care who had him though. She called me a lowlife, a homeless girl, who's lived on the street and I believe her exact words where,

'I only used you to enter this stupid contest to met the boys and become famous. I am making sure absolutely no fans like you! This is about me. Everyone thinks I am the golden girl, the nice, caring one, the amazingly talented one and that you are the failed use of sperm, the rude, sarcastic, selfish jerk, and the least talented. That's why I won't get you out until the concert is over, so you can't sing in it and become famous and talented. You don't deserve it! You always get the guys and everyone thinks your the best! Your stealing Liam away from my grip! I've always wanted Liam but you have him tightly wrapped around your foster care, homeless, low-life, finger! He's never going to have any interest in me if your always around and stealing my thunder! Louis has a girlfriend, I was harmlessly flirting with him, it meant nothing to him so I moved on!' So then she hung up on me after I told her she was jealous of me. That's where Liam called me and I bet you all know the rest of the story." They all looked at me with sorrow on their faces but Liam, he was sad and horrified by her, he looked at me with love in his eyes still.


Sorry if this is a tad bit confusing. Basically, she told them what happened and Liam and the boys are all sorry. She always kept in touch with Zayn though, he was like her big brother, He isn't biologically her blood brother though. They just treat each-other like they are related. He just showed up at her house to make sure she told the story of what happened to them. Thanks for reading!!! None of my chapters have been edited though, sorry.

Tell Me A Lie (One Direction) (By @NeverTheCoolKid MY BEST FRIEND )Where stories live. Discover now