Chapter 8

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Dude, I had these chapter already done and my computer froze and turned off -.- I was going to kill it, it was soo long and took me forever to do! But nope, my computer being my computer, decided it wasn't good enough. Anyways! Shout Out to Elizabeth Robertson, tomorrow ( Feb. 18, 98) Is her birthday. Love you best friend. Also my birthday is coming up on the 20th of Feb, and I am so excited. I want to put on a looong chapter that day. ;) Hopefully I can. Both my parents work and my best friends are going to I have no life -.- any who, thanks for reading my book and please, Please, Pleaaaaaase fan me on this and follow me on twitter! I'd love to hear from you guys!:)


I pulled away from Louis and just stood there not knowing what to do next. I ran around and jumped on Liam's back.

"BOO! DID I SCARE YOU?! I SCARED ME!" I yelled in a totally serious way, it was almost believable.

"Are you Zayn?" A teenage girl came up asking.

"Noope. He is...Wayne." I said seriously getting off of Liam's back. (Got that from Zayn's Nickname ;) )

"Oh...sorry to bother you guys." She said walking away and I burst out laughing. She believed me! That was freaking hilarious!


With @onedirection chilling with my boy's. Niall Made me an account @Louis_Tomlinson threw me in the water -.- Grr. I'm going to get him back more then I already have...Mwahha

@Louis_Tomlinson I did nothing. She lies! D:

@MoeexDoee You lie! D: You threw me in! I'm going to kill your face! Hehe

@Louis_Tomlinson Your a big fat liar.

@MoeexDoee Are you calling me fat .____. ?

@Louis_Tomlinson NOOOOO NEVER!

@MoeexDoee Dang straight you aren't! ;) I'd hurt you worse...

 @Luv999B : @MoeexDoee @Louis_Tomlinson Love how you two are writing each other when your in the same place..sitting next to each other ;}

@Real_Liam_Payne She's got a good point, you are sitting next to each-other, messaging each-other.

@MoeexDoee: @Real_Liam_Payne @Luv999B But you two are doing the same D:

@Real_Liam_Payne  True...

@MoeexDoee I am ditching you three! BUHBYE! xx

I got up and off my phone and heading to a drink shack. Liam ran up behind me.

"Hey, whatcha want?" He asked me.

"Just water. I think." I said thinking.

"Okay, well get something else to, I'll pay. Water is free." He said smiling.

"Oh you don't have to, I have money." I stated pulling my wallet out.

"I got this." He said passing me and putting my wallet away, back in my bag. "We'll have 7 Waters and 2 lemonades." He asked and paid the women 4.47.

"Thanks." I said as he handed me them.

"No problem. You are my friend anyways." He said laughing.

"FRIENDS FOREVER!" I said mimicking some kids t.v show that we saw this morning and running back to the guys. I watched as they got in water fights and made more sand castles or in Louis's case, holes. We all played Hide and Seek till it got dark then we headed back to the tour bus and we were officially leaving my home, our homes, and heading on our journey for the next six months.

Tell Me A Lie (One Direction) (By @NeverTheCoolKid MY BEST FRIEND )Where stories live. Discover now