Chapter 5

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"Dude..My fear is over-run by my desire for food." I said whining to Liam. I have sat here for over two in a half hours. It sucks! At least I have company. I was having a spaz attack for the first hour and twenty (More like 50) questions after that.

"I know. At least your not going to over-hyperventilate. It's always better that way. I mean, breathing, right?" He said failing at making me happier.

"Dude..How long are we going to be here?!" I cried out dramatically smiling.

"If we die..I want you to know...I give my awesome blankets to Harry."

"Gee, feeling the love over here." I laughed.

"Well, If WE die then YOU won't be able to get anything anyways."

"True... So what do you want to do?" He questioned fake thinking.

"I don't know."

"Think lady!" He yelled laughing.

"I can only think upside down."

"Upside down?" He said raising an eyebrow yet again, and chuckling. What am I? An eyebrow raiser?

"Shut up! It's a..Habit."

"Weird. Twenty questions?"

"Let me think. No. We've played that like forty times and I'm pretty sure we know everything about each other from the beginning of our lives to now." He just nodded and we sat there in complete silence.

"HOLY CRAP!" I yelled.

"What!" He yelled startled. I gave him a blank look.

"Our cellphones."

"Oh yeah!" He said as we both pulled out our phones. Him being rich had an awesome phone! Mine sucks majorly. My whole front screen doesn't work 'cause it may have or may have not made contact with the wall.

"I! have no service." I stated standing up. "Wait one bar!"

"I have all bars. I'll call."

"Dumb phone." I muttered to myself.

"Hey man! Yeah she is. Yes, we are stuck in an elevator."


"She's fine. Can you get us out of here? Yeah, awesome. We're fine, little hungry, but fine. Okay awesome. Bye." He said ending the conversation."They are coming to help."

"Awesome... I'm going to sleep for a bit. Night."


"Well it is," I checked my phone "Eleven thirty. Well I'm once again, going to take a nap." I laid there thinking about my life. I was a former, normal girl with no life what-so-ever and now, I am stuck in an elevator with a rock-star, cute on might I add.

How long are we going to be stuck in this thing? They said they're on there way but who knows how long that will be. I laid here and soon it started to become cold. Good thing I wore jeans. World of advice. Don't sleep in Elevators. It's so uncomfortable. I started becoming highly claustrophobic, that's another reason why I don't like elevators. As soon as I felt it becoming overwhelming, the elevator started moving again. Thank the Lord and for the inventors of a phone.

I jumped out of the elevator and started breathing heavily. I was even wheezing.

"Is she okay?" Harry asked Chapen.

"Kinda. She used to be an asthmatic but it sorta went away and if she is in a small place to long, she becomes claustrophobic. If she was in there any longer she wouldn't have been okay. But she is going to be fine as long as she gets her inhaler. Pass me that bag? Thanks." She said handing me the inhaler and I great-fully took it.

"Well we got to get going Chappy, we are meeting them here around 6 a.m."

"Thanks Liam."

"For what?"

"For keeping me calm." I said smiling as I walked out.


Author's note again.

I am not sure if I am going to do a love story or something else. Sorry I'm trying I swear! :) Thanks for reading guys Once again, GIVE ME FREAKING IDEA'S :) By the way, I am the 14 year old writing this so please TRY to make this PG-13, maybe more but not a lot:) Actually who cares?!:)  Any Idea's welcome because Scar and Snake are helping me write To so she will do the inn-appropriate stuff mostly, actually, this is Raine's Story, She's writing it but I'm publishing, She just got an account go fan her! @NeverTheCoolKid. I'm actually giving my account to Scar, So bye guys!:) Sorry if this is confusing! I tried switching the names a while ago buut.. it didn't work so Moe was stuck in the elevator not Chapen, Moe is the main character. Chapen is just the best friend.

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