When He Hallucinates

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A/N: Miss me?


He was cold, so cold. Shivers ran up and down his arching spine as he tried to escape the bitter chill. 

Newt gasped in pain, the cold had turned to heat, no fire. He was burning. The flames were slowly consuming his body. Setting his limbs alight. "No, nooo." he mumbled. Before he could stop himself, he was screaming, crying out for help.

Literally reaching out for salvation, his hands grappling at thin air. Suddenly cool hands entwined with Newt's, moving his arms to sit by his sides.

A deliciously refreshing towel was wiped across his brow. Delicately, a hand brushed his cheek, soothing his cries.

Through blurred vision, he saw a hazy figure, the features were not clear enough for him to work out who it was. "Mother." he murmured.

"Sssssh, you need to rest." they whispered.

"You came back..."

"I can't stay."

Newt sighed, turning his head against the pillow. "I know but stay with me a while."

"Of course, my beautiful boy. My beautiful, talented child."

"I love you, Mother."

"I love you too. Now rest, you need your strength."

Then the male fell into a peaceful, deep sleep.

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