Miniseries: When You're Kidnapped (Part 1)

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Person A (replace with yourname if required)= Person in love with Credence

Person B (replace with your name ifrequired)= Person in love with Newt

Time to pick a side, Dear Readers!


#Team Credence

Dedicated to ThunderTessa, a runner up in the competition. :) 


It was dark and (Person A) was runningfor their life. They could hear the echoes of footsteps that,followed only a couple paces behind them. No matter how much theywilled their legs to carry them further, they were unable to escapetheir pursuer.

They cursed themself internally for theloss of their wand. Unfortunately there had been a struggle, in which(Person A's) assailant had managed to knock their only life line fromtheir hand. Without that thin stick of magic wood, (Person A) wasunable to apparate away from the imposing danger. Unable to return totheir lover, whom was undoubtedly waiting for them at home.


Oh how (Person A) wished that they werein the comfort of their home, as opposed to breathing in the icy coldair, which in turn was burning their exhausted lungs.

They had to do everything in theirpower to return to him. (Person A) felt panic rise within thembut it was not for their own safety. How would he react whenthey failed to return home? He would he turn to in his moment ofneed? He only had you.

With that thought in their mind, theycontinued to dart across the frost-covered cobblestones, in hope thatthey could miraculously flee from the deadly attacker. You had toreturn to Creden-

Then (Person A) felt the strong armsencircle them and pull them backwards, towards the danger, ratherthan away from it.

The streets were abandoned and people,in a deep slumber by that time. No one was awake to hear their screamof his name. So it was lost and claimed by the silent nightair, which greedily swallowed the noise.

The cobblestones were now devoid of(Person A) and their kidnapper. Where had (Person A) been taken? Noone would know for several chapters. Not until Newt met (Person B) inthe next instalment...


A/N: So...what did you think?

snoopylover2: Hello! Could you please send me the following details for your character as soon as you can. Thank you! And again, congratulations! :D

1. Gender

2. Hair colour

3. Eye colour.

4. Wizarding School house. 

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