C H A P T E R 25

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Hermione woke up that day to find herself inside Harry Potter's arms, she looked upon his face, he's still sleeping, his head was resting at the arm of the couch. The longer she looked at his face, the more he become familiar to her, although his presence still making her head hurt. She smiled and carefully ran her fingers through the wildness of his hair, her hands seem to recognize those thick strands, she can't help to sniff her fingers afterwards.

The wizard beneath her was still breathing deeply, she wondered if he ever watched her sleep all night, he seemed so tired. Hermione slowly removed his left hand from her stomach and put it beside him, she lift herself up and climbed out of the couch. She slid her feet on the slippers on the floor, there are two slippers there and Harry and her shoes were already on the shoe rack, maybe Kreacher was the reason for it, she wondered if the elf's always doing it, does Harry always fell sleep on the couch given that there was no one in that house but him and the elf.

She smiled bitterly before turning her back at sleeping Harry, her gaze bored on the old staircase, she gulped a few more times and mentally arguing with herself whether to climb up there or not. She took a deep breath before taking a step on the stair, it seemed to last forever until she reached the Black's Tapestry. Slowly, she walked toward the Pensieve and hesitantly picked a random vile from the cylinder shelf.

Hermione sighed and poured the content of the vile to the magical object, she then plunge her head in it. She felt a swirling sensation at her navel then suddenly her feet landed on a dark and cold ground. Hermione was frightened because she was alone in the middle of tall trees and the only source of light was the ful moon above her.

Her eyes widened as soon as she heard a terrifying growl of some animal, but she's so familiar of this one because she's been making a vast research about these particular creatures these past few weeks. It's a sound of a werewolf, she's certain about it. Hermione ran toward a large tree and hid herself between it's gigantic roots.

"He's coming to our direction!" said a male voice in a low but frightened sort of voice.

Hermione peek at them, there was again the younger version of her and Harry, she presumed that they're probably 13 years old, her head seem to spun because she can't remember this event ever happened during her third year. She pulled back those thoughts and carefully came out from her hiding place, the younger Hermione and Harry didn't even acknowledge her presence.

"Oh how silly of me, of course they couldn't see me." She rolled her eyes then began following their track as they ran away from the coming danger. She shrieked when the beast ran past her, she watched the young Harry and Hermione as the werewolf cornered them. She was amazed how Harry pulled the young Hermione at his back and faced the werewolf without any defence.

The werewolf raised its sharp claws and about to slashed the hell out of two when a rather loud growl echoed through the cold forest, the young Hermione and Harry have their eyes closed and both are embracing each other tightly. The original Hermione covered her mouth at the scene, a mix of fear and admiration were making her heart beats fast, she can't help to wonder how much her old self was in love to this troublesome wizard, its written all over her young face, the way she looked at him, as if everything will be okay and he was her knight and shining armour that will make her safe no matter what happen.

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