The Only One Who Can Save Him

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Chapter 25

Herobrine's P.O.V. (SURPRISE!)

I hate this. It keeps getting worse. It comes and it goes and I can't control when. It takes complete control. It's forced me to so many horrible things and all I can do is watch.

Some of those things include stealing my daughter. Kidnapping innocent people and hurtting them, torturing them, killing them. It will force me to burn down villages and kill some of the villagers. It always made sure there was at least one survivor so the stories of my being evil would spread. It has forced me to steal people from their own world so I could get my daughter back, and then when she did come it forced me to torture her.

I can remember the day Jolene came back. She was so brave to do it, I probably wouldn't have in her position, she must really care about these people. I know for a fact she can't know them all, yet she risked her life for them anyways. I was in control at first, but after Mark left it took control. She got angry at me because of it. I feel so bad. Then when it forced me to torture her as well, I managed to get some control back. I know she's a fighter because she only gave it the satisfaction of hearing her scream once.

None of the hostile mobs really knew me so they probably had no idea about the change. Either way they had to obey me, it's a part of their coding. The twins were my only hope. Unfortunately it made me make Jolene pass out, and Mark has now found out about the hallway so he's gone with one of the people from there. I'm glad they were able to escape, maybe they'll be able to save me.

Now that I think about it there are 2 mobs I can think about that might have noticed the change. Claire and Ella. Jolene had changed their code when the 3 of them were younger. She wanted friends and she was bored of hanging out with just us guys, that and the fact that every mob would do everything she wanted of them. She wanted friends who would stand up to her if she was doing something wrong. She probably changed the code of more then just those 2, but Claire and Ella were her friend that she hung out with. She shouldn't have been able to change their codes, but somehow she did. At such a young age at that!

Understanding dawned on me as I thought about that last bit. Now I know why it wants to hurt her. Not just because of her evil side that could take over, but because she's stronger than me. With her brother and her sharing powers they could be stronger than both me and Notch. If it made them use their powers for evil... Let's just say the world as we know it would end.

It was leaving me alone for the moment so I grabbed a piece of paper, a quill, and some ink. I did my best to explain what it was and what it forced me to do. I also told them to get Jolene's body and take it to my brother's castle. I needed to finish it quickly so it wouldn't see the note.

When I was done I called for a zombie to come and take the note to Claire and Ella. The second the zombie left it started bugging me. 'What was that?' It asked.

"Nothing." I murmured in reply. I didn't have to be loud for it to hear me. In fact I didn't even need to speak, but I felt if I spoke I would feel more normal. I would feel like I was having a conversation with an actual being.

I really hated that it existed. It tempted me to do something which broke the relationship between me and my ex-wife, the only person not afraid of me and who loved me for who I am. It forced me to kidnap my daughter when she was little. It has forced me to steal her friends and other innocent people. It has ruined my life. It is a curse put upon me when I was a child. I can't remember by who or exactly when, but what I do know is that it ruined my life. It is pure evil and seems intent on keeping me evil. I used to love being evil, but then I found love. When I was around my wife I had lost all joy in being evil.

It had left me alone until one day when I was alone. It had tempted me into trolling a player just one last time, but when I started, it took over and made everything go horribly. I lost my wife but I was allowed to keep our son while she took his twin sister. I was fine until it found her energy signature. It forced me to kidnap her in the middle of the night and to hide her from her mom. When I had both the children in the castle or around me somewhere it couldn't bug me. Then one day Jolene and Mark left for a few hours. That was enough time to let it take control and kidnap an innocent player and hurt them. It gave me control not long before the twins got home. I had fled to my room and cleaned up. I had left the person in the torture room not expecting anybody to find them. I was wrong. Jolene found that person somehow and fled the castle the night we knew would be the last we ever saw the rift glitch. When she left it took over. It must have been mad that the only thing that could stop it was running away instead of staying with it mostly under it's control.

I'm glad she managed to escape. I don't care that it was able to take over. I'm glad that she made friends and may be able to save me from my curse. I want to be free but I cannot. Not unless somebody or some people stronger then me are able to win. I don't know the details, but I know my daughter can save me, with or without help from others.



Surprise! Here's something a little special for all you amazing people out there. I though this may explain a few details you might have not noticed. For example the part where Herobrine wavers when he kidnaps Jolene in the chapter she gets her memories back, or when he tortures her for the first time. Okay, that's all for now. C YA!!!

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