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Unknown P.O.V.

I ran. I ran as hard as I could. I had to do was get away from him. That's all I could think about. Run, escape, live.

It was dark and cold, all the more reason to keep running. I didn't feel the cold. I couldn't be cold if I didn't stop. My face, which should be cold, was warm from the tears flowing down my face.

I used to love being with him. Not now. Not after I learned how evil he was. I didn't want to be associated with such evil! I had to get away!

I heard them following me. Of coarse he'd send them. Now I knew that if I stopped I would die, or worse, be brought back to him alive.

My whole body ached. I was never the most physically fit person, and I didn't have very good stamina. I couldn't. stop now though. I was so close to freedom! Once I got there I could rest, but for now all I could do was run.

I was here. Now all I had to do was open the portal. The portal would take me out of here, to freedom, to a place where he was weak.

There! The portal opened! I quickly hopped through. Not soon after I was out the other side, the portal closed behind me. I was so happy, I could be rid of him forever!

The reason I chose tonight to run away, was because that was the last area that would have a portal randomly spawn without anything, and the last small portal, that would connect over worlds forever. Of coarse I knew the main portal would always remain open, but he would not dare risk it. If he did, I would be far away from it, I would stay as far away from even the possibility of getting close to him ever again.

I was special, and I knew I could always go back if I wished, but I knew I never wanted to go back to him ever again! I knew I was a dimension jumper, and so was he, but he would never come here alone, just to get me. He was weak here, and he would need his army if he wanted to get me back!

Now that I had stopped running, my body was killing me. Finally I could rest peacefully! I laid down, and sleep took me quickly.


In An Evil Castle/Mansion thing

Different Unknown P.O.V.

"I'm sorry sir. We lost her." I said bowing!

"How?" My master asked.

I refused to look him in the eyes, or what he had for eyes. "Forgive me master. She ran quickly to the last weak point in between. She jumped through the portal at the last second. We could not catch her."

I felt his eyes on me as he yelled, "HOW COULD YOU LET MY DAUGHTER RUN AWAY! YOU LET HER ESCAPE!"

I cringed. "Master for-" I was cut of as everything suddenly went black.


General View

(Same place)

"Master for-" The creature, if you were to call it that was cut off as a sword flew right through his skull.

"No more forgiveness." A man said darkly. Then a figure emerged from the shadows, it's eyes shone white. To anyone he would appear to be a man, until one saw his eyes, and by then, it was usually to late. 'Who is this?' you ask. This. This is Herobrine, the most evil being in minecraft, and his daughter had just run away. Herobrine was not pleased.



New story! What do u think? I love minecraft! I don't care if my mom won't let me have it, I'm still up to date on everything minecraft. Let's just say I watch a lot of YouTube... Tell me what you think of this story in the comment! I WANT FEEDBACK! So I guess that's all for now. Don't worry if this is confusing, it's supposed to be that way. Anyways, BYEEEEEEEeeeeeee...

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