The Long Weekend Begins

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Choir tour! Yay!


Chapter 9

Jolene's P.O.V.

I sat in science class staring at the clock above the door. Science was my last period today, and then me and the girls were going to go to my place. Mitch was still bugging me saying I should bring some guys, or at least some fans.

Ringgggg! Yes! I jumped up from my seat, and had to stop myself from running. Getting in trouble, and staying behind in class was not an option today.

Making it to my room I saw that I was the first one here. I ran to my room, and threw my school stuff on my desk. I grabbed my suitcase off my bed, and finished packing. I also grabbed backpack putting my stuffies in it, along with some of my books, and my phone. Then I ran over and grabbed my traveling recording kit.

Walking out of my room I saw the other girls finishing their packing. They quickly made their way out of their rooms with huge grins on their faces. We walked over to the elevator.

In the elevator Hannah started to bombard me with questions.

"Who's picking us up?"


"What does he look like?"

"You'll see."

After a few more questions, Hannah huffed. She was upset that I refused to give her a detailed answer. I just smiled as the elevator doors opened.

Walking out of the elevator, I laughed as I saw a group of fangirls, and some guys that must be fans to. "I think that's our ride." I giggled, trying not to laugh loudly. The others just stared at me. I looked at them innocently. "What?" I asked. They didn't say anything, so I turned and walked towards the cluster of people.

Pushing my way through the people I yelled, "Mitch!" I saw his face light up over the heads of people. I managed to make my way through the crowd to a small clear area around Mitch. I ran up to him, and gave him a hug. I felt the boring eyes of every fangirl burning into me, but I didn't care, I was used to it by now. I felt him hug me back, and I looked up at his face smiling. He returned the smile.

After standing that way for awhile he broke the embrace, and grabbed my suitcase. I looked around, and saw my friends at the back of the crowd just staring at the 2 of us. I gestured for them to follow, and the 5 of us headed out to Mitch's car.


At the house.

I showed the girls their rooms, which had computers in them. Why did they have computers in them? Well because if one of the guys came to stay, and they left their laptop at home, well then they would still be able to use the Internet, and be able to play minecraft. Ya, that's normal. Anyways after I showed them their rooms, I helped them change their skins from Steve to something else. Emma changed hers to be a puppy. Raven changed hers to be a girl wearing a wolf hoodie, and jeans. Hannah's skin was a girl with red hair, big green eyes, a white t-shirt, and black pants. I even gave my skin a blue mask that matched my dress. Now we were playing minecraft with Mitch. We were playing some vanilla survival. We were using Skype while playing together, so we never expected to see a message pop up in chat. The message that surprised us read;

<SkythekidRS> N-Notch?!

I quickly typed in a message back to him.

<KladKreeper> Sky? How r u even... R u ok? Where r u?


Sky's P.O.V.

I stood there for a moment bewildered that the creator of minecraft himself was standing in the doorway to this majestic room. "N-Notch?!" I finally stammered. Notch laughed, and something popped up in the left corner of my sight. The minecraft chat. It was in a place that I could just read it, but it wasn't in the way.

<KladKreeper> Sky? How r u even... R u ok? Where r u?

I looked at Notch quizzically, he laughed and told me it was okay to reply, as long as I didn't give away to much. As I replied, I saw that after every pause longer that it takes to take a breath would enter a new thing in chat.

After explaining everything except for where I was, I stopped talking to see what her response would be. I was surprised to see who responded next.

<BajanCanadian> Glad to see that you're okay. Do you know anything about the others?

"No." I replied. I'm pretty sure that they were just as surprise as I was when the next comment appeared.

<Slamacow> Hey guys glad to see your all ok. I'm in the mob saloon! Great to hear that you've also escaped from him Sky. It's to bad that we're both stuck in here tho.


Jolene's P.O.V.

I sat there staring at my computer. Both of the guys were okay! The only downside of that is that they were stuck somewhere. Could they be in minecraft? No that's impossible. I jumped as I heard the voice I hadn't heard since the beginning of summer. "Minecraft and reality are 2 dimensions that are connected, by more that just a computer screen. Everything in minecraft is real." it said. I shuddered. this just couldn't be happening.

I looked out the window, and saw that it was already getting dark out. I ran downstairs to get something to eat, and say good night before running upstairs to my room to get ready for bed.

Climbing into bed I lay there not able to stop thinking about what happened today, and some of my strange dreams that had to do with minecraft and Notch. Those dreams I had gone to a different castle than the first one I went to, but I still arrived in a castle, and Notch would greet me. We would do different things almost every time I dreamt that dream, that's what made it special. It was never the exact same twice.



A dream! 😱 I know, Iz special! 😆

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