A Rescue

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Chapter 24

Mark's P.O.V.

I hadn't seen my sister since she got here. Something was wrong. My dad hasn't been himself recently and Jolene disappears after she gets here? Dad says she left, but it wouldn't make sense for her to have left because she didn't even leave a note like she did last time. I know her, she cares about people to much and she doesn't like me to worry about her.

I sighed. I got up off of her bed, yes, I was in her room. I walked out into the hallway.

I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I barely noticed my dad's head piped out of nowhere. I quickly jumped into the shadows and froze. I watched him as he sighed and walked out of a secret passage I had never noticed before. My dad was followed by a small group consisting of different hostile mobs. Luckily they walked down the hallway in the other direction.

When they disappeared around a corner I ran to where they came from. To my surprise there way a small hidden door. If I hadn't seen my dad come from it I wouldn't have noticed that it was even there.

Taking a deep breath in I opened the hidden door knowing full well there was nobody in the hallway. I quickly jumped in and closed the door behind me. I made sure to close the door quietly.

I rushed down the sinister looking hallway peering through every door. The first few rooms were empty, but a little farther on I noticed something terrifying. These new kinds of rooms, tho each different enough to be able to tell one from the next, were torture chambers of sorts.

I jumped when I heard a scream from a couple doors down. I couldn't help myself, I took off running in the direction I came from. I'm glad Jolene and I had heard rumours that our dad was evil when we were little. Well not the fact that he was evil, but the fact that we took precautions. Jolene had taken most of my evil side from me, as well as her own, and bottled it up inside her. Because of that I do not relish the screams of agony coming from the room.

I made it so I was standing just outside the door. I slipped in without anyone noticing. Another scream came, only this one weaker then the last. I slid around the outside edges of the room, sticking to the shadows.

The sight that lay before me, sickened me. Strapped onto the vertical table thing was a girl, she had multiple cut wounds all over her as well as lots of bruises. A zombie stood not far from her holding a sword that was covered in blood, and smiling evilly.

The zombie leaned forward and cut her again. She screamed, but even weaker then before. This torture was taking a toll on her. This time I snapped. I could bear to hear her in pain.

I knew my eyes started to glow because the girl gasped in fear. I jumped forewords and landed on the zombie. The girl flinched when I jumped. I felt sorry for her. I took the zombie's sword and stabbed it right through his chest before he could do anything. The zombie fell limp to the floor with only a thump, he did not scream or make any other noise.

I could feel my eyes returning to their normal colour. I looked at the zombie and flinched, even tho I killed him to save the girl I do not like killing.

I looked at the girl, she was shivering slightly and her head was hanging. She whimpered a little. I removed the shackles holding her to the table and she instantly fell on me. I yelled out in surprise as we both fell to the floor. I hope nobody heard me. I have a feeling I shouldn't be in here.

After a little while of making sure nobody heard me, or us I guess, I wiggled out from under the girl. I walked over to the door and poked my head out. Looking around I didn't see anybody, so I went back over to the girl and started to drag her out of the room.

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