Not a Dream

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Chapter 10

Jolene's P.O.V.

I felt the world around me fade away, that's the way all of those dreams started, and ended. I couldn't wait to get to the castle.

As everything started to construct itself around me, I had a goofy grin on my face. I jumped happily as everything became solid, and clear. I ran towards the doors to the main hall very excited.

Walking into the hall Notch was nowhere in sight. Looking around I saw a guard. I ran over to him.

"Do you know where Notch is?" I asked when I reached him. He looked me up and down before smiling. It was a fake smile, but it looked really close. It could probably fool most people, but I'm not most people.

"Yep!" he replied with his fake smile. "Just follow me." I decided to go along with it, for now anyways.

After many twists and turns we reached a staircase, but instead of going up like I hoped, it went down. "Right down there." the guard directed.

"But it's so dark down there, and it looks scary." I fake protested. To tell you the truth I would have walked down there no problem, except for the fact that I didn't know if I could trust this guy. I was surprised when he fell for it. He may be a great actor, but he wasn't very smart.

"It's okay." He replied. "I'll walk you down." So he grabbed my hand, and I pretended to be really scared, by hiding my face in his arm, and whimpering. He didn't even realize that I could see around me, even tho it looked like I couldn't see any thing.

We walked into a dungeon. He guided me over to a jail cell. Why that dirty little... "He's in here." he cooed into my ear.

"Th-thanks." I stuttered purposefully. I stepped into the doorway of the cell, and tugged on his arm. I hadn't let go get, acting like I was reluctant to leave him, so when I tugged on his arm pulling him tight to me, all signs of fear that I had gone, the look on his face was one of pure shock.

I shoved him into the cell. "Where is Notch really?" I asked closing the cell door, and pushed it closed so he couldn't get out.

"Why should I tell you, intruder?" he defied. I shook my head. This man must be very loyal to be in this position, and still defy me information.

"1, I'm not an intruder." I replied, "2, notch is usually waiting for me, and he wasn't there, I'm worried about him!"

"Why should I trust you?" he asked.

I looked at him. "You don't have to. I just want you to, but I guess that's not up for me to decide." I sighed. I backed away from the cell door. I was never locked so it swung open silently. "You can go whenever you want." I whispered before walking back the way I came.

Reaching the top of the staircase I heard someone yelling behind me. I stopped and waited. The guard quickly climbed the stairs. "Fine." He said. "I trust you. To show that I will really show you where Notch is.

We walked for a long time before reaching a staircase that went upward. We continued to walk until we came to a hallway unlike any other that I had seen before. This hallway had wooden doors like lots of the other hallways, but the door frames were mostly made out of different things, so that almost none of the doors had the same thing around them. At the moment only 2 doors stood out. One was made out of gold, or budder as Sky would call it, and there was a set of double doors at the end of the hallway that had different types of blocks around it. as I walked past the doorway of budder/gold I stroked it thinking about Sky.

We continued to walk down the hallway until we came to the one on the end. The guard knocked. "Come in!" I heard a familiar and friendly voice call.

Walking into the room, I found it was a bedroom. Standing in one of the corners stood Notch. "Notch!" I yelled running up to him. I jumped and gave him a hug. He managed to turn around just in time to catch me.

We both laughed for a while, before he put me down. The guard gave an uncomfortable cough, and Notch told him he could go. The guard gave me a half trusting, half untrusting glance be fore leaving the room.

"What's with the other rooms?" I asked after a moment of silence.

Notch smiled. "Let me show you."

We walked down the hallway to the other room that caught my eye earlier. He gestured for me to go in, so I did. I gasped at what I saw in there. It was a normal bedroom with normal bedroom furniture. There were only 2 things different. 1, the walls, floor, and ceiling were made of budder/gold. 2, in the middle of the room stood none other than Sky himself. "Sky?!" I said in disbelief.

He smiled. "The one and only! Just looking a bit different." He looked down. He was right. He wasn't his IRL self, but his minecraft skin.

"Wha? How?" I asked confuzzled. He looked at Notch.

"I was about to ask you the same things. How'd you get into minecraft? He didn't get you, did he?" Sky asked.

"Nobody got me. This-this is just a dream!" I exclaimed.

"Jolene." He started. "This isn't a dream. This is real."

My mind raced, and my vision swam. This not a dream? How is this possible? I felt myself fall, as everything began to fade. No it couldn't be over get! I needed answers! I heard Sky call my name. I tried to respond, but I couldn't. Everything went black.

I sat up in my bed screaming the word no. I looked down at my hands. "No. No. No. No." I muttered. It couldn't be true. It was just a dream! Yet even tho I tried to deny the fact that, something inside of me said that Sky was right. I put my head in my hands.

Suddenly I felt like I was being pushed out of the way. Trapped away from the rest of the world. I was still able to see and hear, but I couldn't do anything. I stood up, but I didn't. What I mean is I didn't want to, but I couldn't do anything to stop myself.

I walked over to the window, or they did. Arg! This is hard to explain. My body did it without me wanting to do anything. I heard the door open. My body turned around. I saw Mitch standing in the doorway. "Jolene! Are you alright?" He asked.

I felt myself take a step forward. I had a feeling that what the thing in control was going to do was harm him. No! I couldn't let that happen. I started fighting for control. My body couldn't handle what was happening. Everything started going dim. "Mitch." I managed to get in control enough to say that before I fell. Everything was getting dark and distant. I saw Mitch catch me with a sad and confused look on his face, before I let consciousness leave me.


Mitch's P.O.V.

I was startled out of sleep by somebody screaming. Jolene! I jumped out of my bed, and ran to her room. I opened her door. She stood by her window, looking out. She turned around as I stood there and asked, "Jolene! Are you okay?"

She took a step towards me, and I saw her face. Her eyes. Instead of being sky blue, they were emerald green. She stood there, her face contorted in anguish.

Suddenly one of her eyes became blue. This was so weird. "Mitch." She said weakly before falling over. I ran over and caught her. I was so confused, but at the same time I was upset that this happened. She closed her eyes, and they never opened again, but she kept breathing. Just slower, and more peaceful than before.



Wasn't expecting that! were ya? Hope you guys are enjoying this story as much as I am! I got back from choir tour yesterday, so that happened. C ya!

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