More Escapees

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Chapter 16
Jordan's P.O.V.

I had been in this cage for who knows how long. All I know is that it's been to long. I've seen to many things while in here. People with cuts and bruises, some beaten unconscious. Those were mostly people I knew. The thing that really wrenched my heart was seeing innocent children being dragged down the hallway. The only reason I knew they were younger was the fact that they were different sizes, some almost as tall as adults, while others quite a bit shorter.

While all sorts of horrible things happened to them, all that had happened to me was after being in that small, dark cell for awhile, I was dragged out here and shoved in this cage. They hadn't bothered me since, with the exception of giving me food and water.

This time I was going to try to do something. I just had to help. I couldn't bear watching this cruelty without being able to do something.

Then I saw movement coming from down the hallway. What I saw almost made me cry. There amidst the zombie guards was a new girl. She looked around 13ish. She wore a red shirt and jeans, she also had brown hair.

"Hey!" I yelled at the zombies. They looked up at me confused, so did the girl. "Let her go!"

"Why should we do that?" The one in front sneered. "And how come we can understand you?"

"Why do you wonder why you can understand me?! You can understand your master!" I yelled back.

"You are not our master!" He defied. "And your answer doesn't tell us why we should let her go."

"Because I said so!" I roared in anger. I closed my eyes and imagined I was down there. In my mind I threw the lead zombie across the room, and push the others away. I opened my eyes just in time to see that annoying zombie fly across the room, while the were others getting pushed around, away from the girl.

I looked at my hands in shock. Did I just do that? I tried it again, only this time I imagined them running away. I had kept my eyes open so I saw it when they started running. When they disappeared I yelled down at the girl. "Are you okay?" I asked.

"Ya!" I heard her reply. "How come you were speaking gibberish like zombie noises before, and now you're speaking normally?"

"I-I don't know." I said. "Could I have some help anyways?"

She nodded. All of a sudden blocks from the area around the cage moved from their spots, turned into stair blocks, and made a perfect staircase down to the floor. I made a grunt. She looked up and blushed. She removed the iron bars from in front of me, and I quickly made my way down.

At the foot of the stairs, I saw her amber eyes sparkle. I cocked my head towards the stairs, and she got the message. Remove the evidence.

We started running down the hallway. I wished I knew where the kept the others, I would have liked to help them. I couldn't, and the best way I could do anything to even try was to escape.

As we ran mobs started to relies we were escaping. As we past an iron block it floated from its spot, and split in 2. One half flew in front of me and became an iron sword, while the other flew in front of the girl and did the same.

While we ran I mentally pushed mobs out of the way on my side. The girl made a wall 5 blocks tall on her side.

We managed to escape. Just barely. I managed to move the creature who was closing the gate's arms for a second. Just enough for us to slide under.

After escaping we ran until we ran out of breath. By then we were in some forest quite high up on a mountainside near the castle. I hadn't even noticed that we were climbing upwards. We were close enough to see the road to the castle, and the evil castle itself. We were close enough to see anything bigger than a wolf or anything smaller traveling down the road.

We found a small cave, and the girl changed it to become a lovely little home. That's when it hit me. I didn't even know her name. "What's your name?" I asked.

"Mary. Yours?" Mary replied.

"Jordan." I answered firmly.

She perked up at that. "Your CaptainSparklez?" I nodded. She squealed.

We were to tired to continue our conversation, so we went into our new shelter. Before I entered I turned around, and I saw a familiar skin. From where, I'm not sure. All I know is that it looked familiar. I shrugged off the feeling, and went inside.

For a second I saw a nameplate appear above Mary's head. It read 'marysunset'. She just so happened to be looking at me when it happened, so she must have seen my nameplate. "He wasn't lying." I heard her murmur.

Herobrine needs better security. That's 4 escapees right now. Ahhhh! Iz go crazy! So many reads! Ahhh! Bye....

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