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Chapter 17

Jolene's P.O.V.

I walked down the road. I was almost there. Home. It was correct, but it didn't feel right. I remember a phrase I heard quite a bit over the summer, 'Home is where the heart is'. My heart was not here, it was back at the house in the forest. It was with the guys, so this, this is no longer my home.

I stopped in my tracks. I felt like somebody was looking at me. I looked around trying to see somebody, but I didn't see anything.

I faced the castle again, and saw a flicker of movement. Looking in that direction there was nothing there. I sighed and continued walking to the looming castle.

When I got closer the creeper guards noticed me. There would have been zombies and skeleton, but I was approaching during the day. They waited lazily for me to come within speaking range.

"Who goes there!" a creeper hissed at me from his perch atop the wall. I was near the gate so he didn't have to be to loud.

They didn't recognize me! Probably because I was wearing a mask. "I am but a traveler who wishes to speak to your master!" I called back. I knew my voice had changed from when they last heard from me since. The factor that I never spoke much around mobs may play a factor in my ability to go unrecognized.

They opened the gate, and a creeper led me inside the castle where a zombie took it's place. The zombie lead me to the grand hall where my father would talk to visitors, on the rare occasion that we ever had any. Usually when we did they were some hostile mob reporting something or another.

When we were just outside the doors, the guards stationed there watched me while the zombie who had led me here went inside. I knew what they were doing though, they were going to see if my father was available to see me. Of coarse none of the mobs recognized me so they didn't know he was my father.

The zombie poked it's head out of the room. "He will see you." It told me. I took a deep breath and stepped through the doors.

The room was large. Much like the room that Notch's throne is in, only this one is a lot darker. I walked down the blood red, and pitch black carpet, until I came to a certain distance from the imposing throne. Most people would be afraid, but I'm not most people, and I grew up here.

When I looked my father in the eyes, I could see shock flash across my eyes. "Could you please leave us talk in private?" He asked the other creatures in the room, but before the zombie who had guided me was able to move he asked, "Could you go get my son?" It nodded, and left with the others. I sat on the floor, putting down my backpack beside me.

We sat there until Mark entered the room. I stood up and he gaped at me. "What?" I asked acting cool, when really I wanted to lash out at my father.

I turned to face my father when I suddenly felt squashed. I grunted and squealed at the same time out of shock. It sounded really weird. I turned to see Mark giving me the a huge hug. I would've return the hug, but I couldn't move.

I looked at my dad with pleading eyes. He just laughed, not an evil laugh, but a happy laugh. I squirmed. That was when Mark relished he was hugging me too tight. He let me go and I fell to the floor gasping for breath.

When I did catch my breath, I started laughing. I was given concerned looks before they joined me.

We laughed for awhile before we managed to compose ourselves. Mark looked out one of the red stain glass window and said he had to go. I cast him a sad look, and he laughed before running to the door.

Now it's just me and my father in his throne room. "So, what did you come back here for?" He asked.

I sighed as I searched around the nearby area telepathically to see if any living thing was going to hear what was about to happen. "I came to ask you to release the prisoners." I calmly stated. My father looked like I was accusing him of doing something he hadn't. If he thought that was going to make me think that he didn't do it, he was very wrong. His reaction only made me angry. "What?! You think you can steal my friends and get away without me noticing?! Well you're wrong!" I yelled. I knew I was safe since I wasn't quite angry enough to make my eyes change colour, yet.

"But-" Dad started, but I cut him off.

"No 'but's! You stole my friends, and now you've gone so low as to steal children too?!" I demanded.

He smiled, and I knew my eyes had started to change to white, even he could tell with me wearing a mask. I took a deep breath and I could feel my anger subside enough to turn them back. The look on my father's face was one of fear. I smirked.

"Let them go." I demanded.

"No." he denied.

"What was that?!" I roared while walking towards him.

"No." My father denied me again. "Are you becoming deaf my beloved daughter?" he asked.

I took a deep breath. "No my loving father I am not." I hissed. I took a few steps more, and then ended up near his throne. "Now release the prisoners!" I almost screamed. I went to punch him.

My father smirked and the next thing I knew 2 endermen were behind me. They grabbed me and teleported.

When we arrived at where ever we were, I went to hit one. I missed because both of them let me go making me fall to the floor. The one I was trying to hit kicked me before they teleported away.

I looked around my surroundings. I was in a small dark room with a mattress on the floor in the corner. I sat on it and sighed.

I laid down and stared at the ceiling. I didn't even notice the enderman until he dropped my backpack on me before teleporting away. I let out a grunt, and push it off of me.

I reached out telepathically to tell Notch how things had gone.



Oh my gosh people! 100 READS! I want to high five every one of you amazing, awesome people! I would dance around the room, but the floor is a mess, so... ya. But everybody gets a, like, prize of awesomeness points! 100 awesomeness points to all of you peeps for 100 reads! Shoutouts to @galgal123, and @amv3933! Yay! happiness! I guess I see you peeps laters! Bye!

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