Chapter 16

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"Olivia. Olivia can you hear me?" I heard someone ask. I would open my eyes but that seemed like to much work. I just wanted to go back to my peaceful dreams that don't involve witches, vampires, and werewolves. Some place I can be alone to read and write all day long.

"Olivia, Olivia, please. Please wake up darling." I let out a grown and rolled on my side. I no longer felt the hard dirt covered ground or the light breeze that smelled like oak trees and pine needles. Instead it was replaced with smooth sheets and the brush of wind from the ceiling fan turning up above the bed.

I opened my eyes to the normally dark room filled with light. I raised a hand to my face and turned to lay on my back again.

"You gave us quite the scare, Olivia." Klaus said and I looked over to my right to see him with his arms crossed.

"Well next time I decide to pass out I will tell it to hold on for a second so I can check in with you to see if it's okay with you first." I remarked rolling my eyes.

"She's fine." Rebekah said throwing her hands up in the air and walking away to head out of kol's room.

"Is no one else curious how she got mother's magic shield to lower? Or was it just me who saw it ripple under Olivia's touch?" Kol asked and turned to each of his siblings to back him up on this. All of them just kind of shrugged, not knowing what to think. It's not like I was harming them. I was their friend. It's not the weirdest thing happening in this town at the moment so it wasn't their top priority.

Plus I already know what had happened. Well kind of. It involves some of my training. It's kind of like how I can hid in plan sight. What had happened was this.

I think i was around 15 when it had happened. Maybe i was younger I don't know I can't remember.

I was going after a vampire who had killed a couple people in town. I didn't know the Salvatore at the time so I went searching around. This woman had recently come to town and that was when the kills started. So I thought she may be the vampire killing people or knew something about the vampire. It didn't matter either way, I was going to deal with the problem no matter the cost.

She was located in a small house by the mystic falls lake. It wasn't extravagant. But then again it wasn't like those creepy old houses where people disappear in. I don't care what I'm hunting. I don't go in them. The floors creek and something bad always happens in the movies and books so I didn't plan on taking any chance.

Anyways. Short version of the story is she was actually being Huntered down by the vampire. The woman was actually an old witch, around 124, which is kind of impressive. Anyways the vampire wanted her to use her magic to bring back a loved one. The witch had run because it was just a pety threat. Until it wasn't. The vampire was getting stronger with age and she was getting weaker.

That's where I come in. I hadn't even got to the front porch yet when the woman opened the door and told me to come in quickly. That's when she told me her story.

"Why are you telling me this?" I had asked and she gave me a small smile.

"Because this is what I had done in my vision, Olivia. You're special. Don't you ever wonder why you can do the things you do? Go unseen and slip through the shadows. Influence people's decision just enough to get them to do what you want. Why witches dead, or alive never want to hurt you. Why they obey your command?" She asked I had been a little creaped out that she knew my name and all these things about me but didn't think much of it when the glass window next to the couch shattered making my muscle snap to attention.

"Get down. I'll deal with this." I said calmly.

"Come on out little witch. You can't stay in there forever." The vampire called out. I stood up careful not to make any noise. The vampire had long red hair. I couldn't tell if it was male or female just based off their voice. But now that I saw them it was clearly a woman.

I walked out of the house and walked around  the property so her back was to me.

I know what you're wondering.

Did I live?

No. No I did not.

Ahh I'm kidding. Well kind of. But yeah, I took her down with  a stake to the heart and moved on with my life. Yes I had talked  to the woman afterwards but it was short. She thanked  me and said something about how her kind was on my debt. And something else I can't quite remember. But I'm sure  it wasn't important, well hopefully.

But besides that no one really brings it up they either don't care, don't want  to know, don't have  the time, or can't find a problem with it.

I don't care personally.

"No one?" kol asked irritated. The rest kind of just shrugged.

"She's human." Elijah said but I think he knew deep down something was going on with me. I knew he was figuring it out slowly. And once he knew I would love to hear his theory, cause  i got nothin.

"Kol." I said taking his hands in mine. His eyes connected with mine and  I gave him a small smile. "All that matters is you're all safe, for now at least."

Kol nodded his head and dropped the subject even though I could tell  he was still thinking  about it. He was watching me closely and studied every thing from the way I loved  my hand to   the twitch of my eye.

"Are you alright?" Kol asked snapping out of it.

"Finer than frogs hair."

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