chapter 2

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I had walked out the front door after rebekah woke up. I didn't stay for anything else seeing as I really didn't care. I know it sounds snooty but it's not like they would notice anyways.

I hadn't slept that night instead I stayed up watching Netflix on the couch with a carton of ice cream in my lap and a spoon hanging from my mouth.

In the morning Jeremy was the first one down and I didn't feel like seeing elena so I got dressed and headed to the mikaelson.

What can I say they are the only interesting people in this town. Before they came I just thought everyone was whiny and annoying.

I walked through the front door and no one even noticed. They were all in one of the living rooms except klaus.

Rebekah was sitting on the couch looking over something. Elijah was standing off to the side. A younger version of Elijah stood in front of the mirror and the other one was standing next to the table. I sat down next to Rebekah on the couch and she didn't even look up.

"Tell me how good looking I am." Young Elijah said cocky. I rolled my eyes at that.

"Sorry kol, I can't be compelled." Rebekah said and I started laughing making everyone jump to look at me. Kol as rebekah called him, did not jump as much but just turned and stared in confusion.

"And who might you be darling?" He asked.

"How the hell do you do that?" Rebekah asked.

"Good morning Olivia." Elijah muttered turning back to fixing his tux.

"Good morning Elijah." I smiled at him and he nodded in my direction.

"Olivia." Rebekah whined.

"Magic." I said tapping the side of my nose.

"Very fun." She mocked.

"I thought it was hilarious. Don't you think so Elijah?" I asked.

"Sure. Whatever you say, Olivia." He mumbled not paying attention to me at the moment. I didn't care, he agreed with me that's all that mattered.

"Excuse me, beautiful." Kol said lifting my chin an looking me in the eyes. "But I asked a question." He said in a lower voice saying not to mess with him, yet, all that registered for me was that he would be fun to mess with.

"Maybe you should let go of my chin before you lose a hand." I said in a mono tone as I tilted my head to the side slightly. He simply smirked and let go of my chin before grabbing my neck lightly like a threat. Rebekah and elijah turned to me quickly, Klaus who just walked into the room was about to do something as well but I raised my hand to stop them. Kol gave his siblings a confused look as to why they were acting the way they were acting.

"You're human?" He said though it came out like a question.

"Maybe." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Kol" Elijah said warningly. Kol removed his hand with slight hesitation. He did not move his eyes from me and I looked up at him through my eyelashes.

"Olivia Gilbert. Pleasure to make your acquaintance." I said holding out my hand.

"Kol mikealson. Pleasures all mine." He said grabbing my hand and bringing it to his lips. "I hope to see you at the dance."

"That is highly unlikely. But don't worry. I will see you." I said and he gave me a confused look.

"Until then." We said at the same time. I turned and walked to the door. I felt this twist in my stomach and it was driving me crazy.

It was like when ever I was around him I felt off....

....I felt seen.

And bam! There's the chapter two.

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