chapter 9

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"Hey." Matt said walking out side to slowly come my way.

"Hey Matt." I smiled kindly at him.

"Are you alright I was standing next to the door when you opened it and walked out side. You seemed pretty upset so I figured I'd come check on you." Matt explained and I don't know what look kol had on his face right now but I am pretty sure it wasn't a smile seeing as Matt side stepping away from him.

"I'm fine. Thank you though." I said to Matt.

"Are you sure?" He asked one more time then glancing at kol.

"I'm sure. Go ahead and head back inside." I smiled innocently at him and waved him along.

"Why we're you upset?" Kol asked right when Matt walked back inside. "What's wrong?" He looked me over thinking he might have missed something the first time he looked at me.

"Nothing." I said taking his hands away.

"We have to go back inside. Wouldn't want to miss the main event." Kol said and glanced at the door just as rebekah came out.

Time skip.

"Comense the evening with an old waltz. If you could please find a partner and gather in the ball room. We shall begin." Elijah said and searched the room when he was done speaking. I made my way over to him and he finally saw me. Coming my way he held out a hand for me. "You would like to dance?" He asked.

"I would love to." I grinned at him and took his hand.

Give me love started playing through the room and I could help but laugh a little

"Something funny Olivia?" Elijah asked amused.

"It's nothing." I said shaking my head and we all started to dance in sync. "So how are you enjoying the ball so far?"

"I thought it was the hosts job to ask the guest if they were having a good time?"

"Hmm." I just shrugged my shoulders. It was Elijah' s turn to laugh. "What's so funny Elijah?" I mocked.

"It's nothing." He mocked back and I rolled my eyes. I looked over to see Elena dancing across from us and she wasn't the happiest person when she looked at me. She must have found my bucket of water.

Oh well.

I didn't even get time to think when suddenly we were switching partners. I landed in someone's arms and they caught me with ease.

"Hello, darling. Fancy seeing you here."

Oh come on. I can't even get away from him for 5 seconds.

"Kol." I muttered and he smirked.

"Miss me?" He asked and twirled me.

"How can I miss you when you won't leave me alone."

"Do you really want me to leave you alone?" I don't know why but the question caught me off guard.

"I have been telling you to leave me alone this whole time!" I said though it didn't sound right to me.

"That wasn't the question." Kol said twirling me again. "Do. You want. Me to leave. You alone?" He asked again and pulled me closer to him. "Darling?"


"Yes?" He asked pulling me even closer.

"The songs over." I whispered.

"Then dance with me for the next couple songs." Kol said not letting go. "You have yet to answer my question." Of only I could get away and move quick enough he won't be able to see me. I thought to myself.

"I don't want you to leave me alone all together. Just want you to stop with all the flirting." I said trying to believe my own lie.


"Dad I don't want to do this anymore. We have been going at it for the past 8 hours." I sighed when dad got into another fighting stance.

"When you come across a vampire you'll thank me." Dad said matter of factly and he came at me throwing a punch my way but I blocked it....again. No matter how many times he tries I have knocked him down every time. And when he is about to win I disappear.

"Please?" I asked.

"What do you not do when it comes to vampires?" Dad asked instead.

"Don't Let your guard down." I muttered.

"What else?"

"Don't fall in love."


"The charming ones are always the most dangerous." I sighed and flipped dad on his back.

"Even if they look human?" Dad asked and I rolled my eyes.

"That is just their mask." I helped him up and we started again. "Why do you insist that I repeat all this? What is the point?"

"You trust to easily." Dad said like it was obvious. "You believe in second chances and always find the good in people. But what you need to learn is that not everyone is good. And not everyone deserves that second or fourth chance."

"But vampires were human before they were turned right?" I asked dropping to the ground and swinging out my leg knocking dads to the side making him land on his butt. We both got up and started again.


"Then why do you assume that all of them are bad?"

"See this is what I'm talking about!" He sighed frustrated.

End of flashback

"Olivia?" Kol asked snapping me out of my thoughts and I looked up at him. "Did you hear what I said?" He pouted.

"No,sorry. What was it you said?" I asked.

"Never mind." He said and and the music stopped again. Kol pulled away and bowed to me kissing the back of my hand. "Until next time." He said charmingly.

"The charming ones are always the most dangerous"

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