chapter 13

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I walked into the grill with Caroline on my arm. We were laughing about how ridiculous it is that out all of the people Damon would pick to distract two of the most powerful originals in the world it was us. I mean seriously? We have more value to the little group than just our incredibly good looks.

I don't even really know why we were distracting them in the first place. I mean Caroline filled me in a little about how mama original was trying to kill her children. I don't understand why. i like all of her children and that is pretty impressive seeing as i hate a lot of people.

Though i'm not sure if i'm a fan of finn.

And I'm still trying to keep my guard up around kol seeing as he eats the people that he sleeps with, kind of like a female spider or a praying mantis. But seeing as i kept my guard up so well last time i really need to stay away from the alcohol and the mini spot light he seems to shine on me when ever i'm near him. I think it irritates me more than anything now.

But there are some advantages to him not eating me. One i didn't have to kill him. Two, if he didn't kill me this time and still wants me around that means I can go a couple more rounds. Though the fact I'm not even feeling a little guilty about theses thoughts is kind of scary.

Thooooooough, I know i cant get pregnant from him. Which is a plus... Now i know how Elena feels. Well kind of. I mean i'm only sleeping with one guy.

I felt an elbow in my ribcage and looked over to see Caroline was pulling me in front of Klaus and Kol to go "Hand" Alaric some papers.

".....but thanks." Caroline said and i'm sure what ever she said was a really big burn but i wasn't really listening to what was happening. I should probably start. Chocolate dipped strawberries are on the line. well that and free alcohol. For two months. So mind as well do my part.

"Burn." I smirked and klaus glanced at me before going back to looking at Caroline who was heading for the door.

And there goes klaus. I shook my head and walked over to the pool table. Matt walked over and handed me a random drink. I gave him a confused look.

"What's the drink for?" i asked.

"Damon said you were having a bad day." Was all Matt said and i understood.

"Thank you for bringing to me. i'll think him later." i said and matt nodded his head. I then furrowed my eyebrow. "How did you see me?" I asked.

"Ol, you know you don't actually turn invisible right?" He asked and grinned at me. I rolled my eyes.

"It was Caroline wasn't it?" I asked and he nodded his head.

"Yeah it was Caroline." He admitted. I smiled and let out a laugh.

"Of course." I just shook my head at him.

"You know if you're ever having a bad day you can come talk to me. Us humans have to stick together." He said and i slowly nodded my head.

"Yeah though most of the time It's not that easy. Us humans always seem to be the collateral damage."

"Yeah." He nodded his head. "Put i'm sure if anyone was to kill you Elijah would kill this entire town, Klaus would kill the entire state, and Rebekah would kill the entire country."

"Yes, but. Did you ever thing it might be one of the originals that kill me?" I asked.

"Well yeah to turn you into a vampire." Matt said and something about that bugged me. i know it might not seem like a big deal in this town. But for me to be turned into something i was raised to hate and kill, It made me feel like i was disappointing my entire family. Though i've already disappointed then many times with just being in the presence of a vampire and me not killing them being my first thought.

"Olivia." Kol's voice came from behind me. I looked up to see that Matt had walked away to do his job and i had just been standing here thinking to myself holding a pole. "Olivia" Kol said again and waved a hand in front of my face.

"Koool." I said back mockingly. Wasn't even thinking about what i was saying. "I don't even know why i'm still in this stupid down. Oh wait, that's because of my sister elena." I said and took a sip of my drink. I furrowed my eyebrows then realized i was talking out loud. "That's it. I've gone crazy."

I threw my hands up in the air and then walked over to Kol. I grabbed the sides of his face and pulled his head closer to mine. Slamming my lips against his i then pulled away and head for the door while finishing my drink.

"completely Crazy." I mumbled and closed the door behind me.

3rd person pov.

Kol stood there not exactly sure what had just happened. He blinked a couple times and looked around the bar to see that everyone from the little scooby doo group, like Alaric and Matt were watching him. Kol let a smirk grow on his face and walked out of the bar to follow after Olivia.

Kol started walking down the side walk when he saw Olivia's car driving down the road. He used his vampire speed and opened the door to her car and jumped in closing the door behind him quickly.

Olivia's point of view.

"OH MY GOD!" I yelled and the car swerved to the other side of the road. I was glad that know one was on the other side or else that could have been really bad. "I hate you." I hit his arm and he grinned.

"That's not what you told me the night of the ball." Kol said and i rolled my eyes.

"I didn't tell you anything." I said confused on what he was talking about.

"No one kisses another person like that with out having feelings for the person." Kol said leaning over the seat and kissing my neck.

"Yeah well..... shut up."

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