chapter 12

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I walked out of the mikaelson's house after grabbing my dress from kol's room. I think for once he didn't see me when I walked past him. I was concentrating on staying out of his sight specifically. And I am sad and glad to say it work. I was glad because that means I can in fact hide from him when I need to. I was sad because a small part of me was hoping he could see me and I would get that weird feeling I get when kol looks at me.

But that's crazy. I should be celebrating. In fact. I am going to celebrate. Not only am I not a virgin any more. But my first time was with an original vampire. How many girls can say that? Well I actually don't want to know how many girls. So let me rephrase that. How many girls can say they had a different side of kol mikaelson, the more gentle and kind side of him while having sex. And did not die afterwards. Oh that's right. One. And that person would be me.

Though I'm not only celebrating because of that. I'm also celebrating because Elena sent me a text saying I ruined her coffee this morning because of the salt that was in the sugar. I know it may not have been a big thing at the beginning. But when it comes down to it. It's actually quite evil.

I walked to the grill and sat down. I grabbed Matt's attention and he gave me a margarita.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked leaning up against the counter.

"I over heard rebekah and Elijah talking. If it wasn't for you dragging kol's attention away from me my hand would have been broken last night. So thank you." Matt said and I remembered just then what one of those cons would be for being with kol mikaelson. But then again I'm technically not "with" kol mikaelson. It's more of a friend with benefits thing.

"You're welcome. Wouldn't want the star football quarterback put of the season with a broken hand." I teased.

"Again thank you." Matt said and then let out a small laugh.

"Well, you're welcome. I'm glad I could help." I smiled at him and drank my drink. I made sure he didn't see me and continued my normal business of watch everybody.

I jumped just slightly when my phone went off. I looked at the caller ID to see it was Damon. That was weird. He never really called me. He just showed up at my house or I happened to be around at the time he needed me for something.

"Hello?" I asked. I was getting up from the bar and walked to the exit.

"I need you to distract kol." Damon said automatically and I pulled the phone away from ear looked at the scene to see Damon lit up in big letters at the top of my phone. I pressed the big red button that said end. I looked around before going to my car and drove to bonnies. When I pulled up into her drive way Bonnie opened her front door and made her way over to me.

"Hey." Bonnie said with a smile and I pulled out her phone from my pocket, along with other little things she had me hold onto.

"I am so sorry. I forgot to give you your phone. I'm guessing Caroline gave you a ride home?" I asked sympathetically.

"Yeah. And it's no problem. I'm sure I wouldn't have even been able to find you either way." Bonnie said and I nodded my head knowing it was true.

"I know. But I could have told you or tried to get your attention. Though. I do believe I saw you dancing with Elijah at the beginning of the dance.

"Yeah, he asked me to dance and I didn't want to get on his bad side." Bonnie said but I swear I saw just the slightest of red dust her cheeks.

"Mhm. Ok. So besides that. I'm glad to see you made it home safely. Sorry again. I'll see you later. Damon keeps calling me." I said when my phone vibrated for the 5th time I was standing out here talking to Bonnie.

"Alright. And like I said its not that big of a deal. See you around." Bonnie gave me a hug and I hugged her back. My phone went off again but I ignored it.

"See you around." I said and walked to my car. When I got in my phone went off again and I pulled it out of my pocket to see it was in fact Damon who was calling me.

I pushed accept call and placed it against my ear.

"You hung up on me." Was the first thing that came out of his mouth but I ignored him and got straight to it.

"I'm not distracting him."

"Just this once."


"Come on."


"Even if I said please?"


"What if I helped you prank Elena?"


"If you don't do it I'll have someone else do it."

"Good luck with that." I went to push end again.

"Wait wait wait. Don't hang up on me again. Just distract him. I'll buy you strawberries dipped in chocolate and any drink you want for the entire month." Damon said and I actually paused before I responded.

"How many strawberries?" I asked.

"As many as you can eat."

"Any kind of drink?"

"Whenever whatever you want. The entire month."

"Make it to months and you have a deal." I started my car and started driving down the road.

"Deal." Damon said and I smiled.

"Great. Where is he?" I asked driving through town.

"At the grill with Klaus. Just distract him so he doesn't go all crazy original vampire on us as we try to get your sister out of a tunnel in the woods." Damon said and hung up. I knew this would be linked to my dear sister of mine. It always is.

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