We couldnt hold it

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We walked out and over to the car they didn't notice us we got in Niall and Zayn was in the front they talked "can we drive?" Justin said and they looked behind so they looked at us "when did you come?" Zayn said "for one second ago" I said "oh Y/N you can't sit that close to Just move over to the window" Zayn said "you gotta be kidding me" Justin said I moved to the window "happy?" I said and took the seatbelt on "yeah" he said Zayn started to drive Justin took the paper out my pocket again "stop taking my things" I said and took it from him "I'm just looking" he said "you look with your eyes not your hands" I said and put the paper back in my pocket Justin opened his window "can I see?" he said I sighed and took it out and hold it to him he took it "ups" he said while throwing the paper out the window "Justin?" I said while looking after the paper "I'm sorry it was an accident" he said "okay" I said he took his phone up from his pocket he had this number to I took it out "who's this number?" I said he looked at me "just a girl I don't know why I still have it" he said I opened the window he tried to take it back I held it out the window "just do it I don't care" he said "okay" I said and let go of it "we are still not even" I said "what I threw a number and you did to" he said "you didn't care so I'm going to find something you care about" I said and closet the window "you?" Niall said and Zayn laughed "okay I cared about the paper" he said "great" I said and looked out the window "how long is this going to take!?" Justin said while kicking to Niall's seat "hey!" Niall said "relax we are home soon" Zayn said "no I feel like me and Y/N broke up" Justin said "hah! loser you can't resist me!" I said he looked at me "no I don't lose yet it's first when I say I wanna kiss you!" He said "yet" I said and laughed "no not yet I mean I'm not gonna lose your the one that's gonna lose!" he said "sure" I said "still a week" Zayn said "can't we let this go?" Justin said "no" Niall said Justin shoke his leg I laughed "what?" he said "you can't live without kissing me in what half an hour how did you then live when I was gone?" I said "two hours not half an hour and you weren't around so I couldn't" he said "we are here" Zayn said and pulled up to the apartment we got out and walked in the apartment and upstairs "we are going up see you later" Niall said and they walked upstairs we walked over to my apartment he stood behind me I turned around "what are you doing?" I said "I'm going to take a nap" he said "your apartment is there" I said and pointed at his door I walked in and Liam and Harry laid on the couches "hey your home" Harry said they were watching tv "yeah where's Louis?" Justin said "he's upstairs" Liam said "Justin you can't be alone with her" Liam said and got up Harry got up to "you're here?" Justin said "no we are leaving" Harry said they walked over to the door "fine bye" Justin said and they walked out I locked the door and walked in the bedroom I put the things on the table oh great I forgot to buy a pj I looked around and found Justin's shirt in here I'm going to use it tonight I took it folded it and put it on the bed I took my bag and took the things out I was liked over to the table I put the things on the table it's not much but I can live with that in some time I walked in the bathroom and closet the door I took my clothes off and turned the shower on I walked in it was cold but it got warm I stand in the shower in some time before I took the soap I washed myself and got out I dried myself with the towel I fast took my underwear on I walked out the bathroom and took Justin's T-shirt on it was long enough so you couldn't see all my butt I took my brush and brushed my hair while walking in the living room I sat on the couch and turned the tv on my legs were on the couch I brushed my hair I looked though the channels nothing exciting I turned the radio on and started to hear one republic good life I put the brush on the table and walked up I found my phone I called the grocery store "hello" I said "hi can I help you?" a lady voice said "yeah I wanna buy some pop corn an could you bring it as fast as you can?" I said "sure anything else?" she said "yes could I also get a little bag with lollipops?" I said "ofcours we will get them as fast as we can" she said "okay thanks bye" I said and hanged up I put the phone back and sat back down in the same position I yawned it's great to be alone for some time I walked up to the balcony and opened the door I could hear the guys yell and laugh I walked back on the couch the song ended they were playing Bruno Mars treasure it's a catchy song I heard someone knock on the door I walked over to the door and opened it there stood a guy with a bag "hi here's your things" he said "thank you" I said and took it "two seconds let me get my purse" I said and let him in I walked over to the bedroom and took my purse I walked back to him "here can you use credit card?" I said and handled him it "yeah sure" he said and ran it trough the machine he handle me the card "thank you have a nice day" he said an walked out I closet the door I walked in the kitchen I opened the bag with popcorn and put the bag in the microwave I turned it on I found a bowl and put the lollipops in it I walked out to the couch and put the bowl on the table I heard the ding sound I walked back in the kitchen I took the popcorn out and put it in a bowl I walked back out and put the bowl on the table I sat down in the same position I took the bowl with the popcorn on the couch I turned the tv on again I turned it on animal planet my favourite show was on Bondi vet I heard a lot of the guys yell and laugh and then something break what's wrong with them? I heard their door close I sighed I put the popcorn a back and took a lollipop I took the paper off and put it in my mouth I heard the door open "Y/N do you know how to wash this off?" Niall said while all the guys sat down they took the popcorn and lollipops I looked at Niall's shirt it was white and had these blue spots on it "no sorry" I said "okay" he said and sat down next to me "what are you watching?and is that Justin's shirt?" Zayn said while putting popcorn in his mouth "Bondi vet and yes" I said "gross" Niall said when they started to cut an animal he changed the channel "what are you doing here?" I said "I don't know?" Zayn said "well can't I be alone this day?" I said they looked at me "sure sorry" Liam said and they got up they walked out the apartment i turned it on animal planet again now I could relax I wanna try my new lipgloss I got up and walked over to my bedroom I sat down at the table I found my new lipgloss I put it it on I just fast licked my button lip it tasted of strawberries yummy! I kept it on and walked out I was about to sit down when Justin came he looked at me while closing the door "I just came in to find my shirt" he said "sorry I forgot to buy a pj" I said "it's okay just keep it" he said and walked over to the couch I sat down and he sat down next to me "I like the shirt when it's on you" he said and looked at me "oh pretty boy you already gonna give up?" I said "no" he said "great cuz there's still six days and 11 hours" I said "can't we just cheat?" he said and put my hair behind my ear "no Justin a deal is a deal" I said and looked back at the tv "you want to" he said "no" I said "then why do you have lipgloss and lollipops?" he said and leaned a little more in "no Justin" I said but I let him kiss me I kissed back I missed this he laid me down on my back not breaking the kiss I know this is cheating but I don't care

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