He's sick

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And gave it to him "thank you what should I do without you princes" he said and gave me a kiss "well im gonna change my clothes" I said Justin sneezed "bless you" I said and found my clothes I took my shirt off "your so beautiful" Justin said I took my other shirt on I took some other pants on I walked over to my make up table I put my make up on I looked at Justin in the mirror he eat his soup while looking at me that's when I saw I only have one earring on I remove my hair I looked around I took the other one off I looked down on the ground "what's wrong?" Justin said "my gold eating I can't find it" I said while looking under the bed "let me help you" he said "no stay in bed I just gonna ask my grandfather for some new" I said while looking under my pillow "when he lives again" I said while walking in the bathroom "we can buy you some new" Justin said "no it doesn't matter they just meant alot" I said and looked in the shower I walked back to the make up table I put the earring in the box and left it on the table I was about to leave "I'm done don't you wanna cuddle with me?" he said and put the bowl back on the night table I walked over and took the bowl "not now Justin later" I said and on my way over to the door "I'm si-" he said and sneezed "ck" he said "I have to wash the bowls" I said and walked out the boys had put the bowls on the table I walked over and took them up "thank you" they said I took them out to the kitchen I put them in the sink I turned the water on and took the soap I washed the bowls I dried them and put them on theirs place I dried my hands and walked out "guys why don't you go and have fun go out and shop games movies guys stuff" I said "I actually need some new games" Zayn said "I want the new movie" Niall said "okay lets go" Zayn said "bye" they said and walked out I just wanna relax now I walked in to the bedroom Justin was sleeping I fast took my bikini on and walked out I took a magazine and walked out on the balcony I sat down I took my sunglasses on and started to read it Justin came out with jogging pants on and shirtless he walked out to the kitchen he looked around with tired eyes and he walked like he just woke up and he didn't want to go "Y/N! where are you?" he said and sneezed "bless you and I'm here!" I said he looked at me and walked over to me "you can't cuddle but you can get out here?" he said "okay I'm coming now" I said "great" he said and took his hand out I took it and i followed him we walked in the bedroom "I just have to change clothes again" I said Justin pulled me into him "no stay in that" he said and kissed me we got in bed and we spooned our legs were hugging I love when we do that "I love you" he said while pulling me more into him "love you to" I said "you probably gonna get sick soon" he said "it's all worth it" I said and turned around so I was facing him he sneezed down "sorry" he said "it's okay as long as you don't sneeze on my face" I said and kissed him I took my arms around his back "I won't" he said and gave me the cutest smile ever "your so cute" I said "your beautiful" he said he sounded so cute when his nose is stopped I started to take my fingers up and down on his arm feeling does big muscular arms he smiled to me I smiled back I love his tattoos my phone vibrated I looked and saw it was my dad "can't he wait?" Justin said "no sorry" I said and took it I sat on the edge of the bed "hi daddy" I said "hi princes I'm in town tomorrow" he said "tomorrow already?" I said while getting up I heard Justin sigh "yeah I wanna see my princes where she lives and her new boyfriend who got her pregnant " he said I knew he didn't like Justin "I heard that" Justin whispered "boyfriend?" I said while looking at Justin and giving him a fake smile "yeah you are boyfriend right?" he said "yes of cours we are" I said while looking through my clothes "good I can't wait love you see you soon" he said "love you to" I said and hanged up "come back in bed" Justin said I found a dress that my dad gave me took it out "I can't Justin my dad is coming tomorrow and your sick" I said and hanged the dress back "why are you so nervous about your dad?" Justin said "because my only loved one type of boys the rich classic types not the bad boy and I have to wear the dresses he sends me" I said while getting some new earrings on "I'm a classic rich type" Justin said "Justin your a Stratford bad boy" I said "well that's a lot funnier" Justin said "and you have to have a suit on" I said while taking Justin's clothes off the floor "okay" he said and sneezed I put his clothes in the laundry basket "babe please come and lay with me again it felt great" he said "I can't Justin I have to clean up" I said and found a tank top and a pair of jeans "your apartment can't get cleaner" Justin said I took one foot in the jeans and jumped I had a lot to do but I fell down "you okay!?" Justin said and came helping me up "maybe I should take it slow" I said and took the pants on right "that would be a great idea I will help you" Justin said okay I have like this problem I don't like anyone helping me with clean up I just dont like it "no I can myself" I said and walked in the living room " you su-" he said and sneezed "re?" he said "yeah im su-" I said and made a fake sneeze "re" I said and smiled to Justin "your so weird" he said I sprayed the table with the soap "I know I'm under threat meant but sadly there isn't any cure" I said he laughed a little bit "well then I'm going over to the boys" he said while walking over to the front door I stopped him by holding my hand on his chest "no they out shopping and your sick you can't go out" I said "fine" he said and walked back in the bedroom I dried the table off and I started to wash the floor I walked around the apartment


I was now done with cleaning I looked around it could sparkle so clean it was I took the gloves off and took the bucket I threw the water out in the sink I walked into Justin I just wanted to sleep I walked in and saw he was hugging my pillow while sleeping I didn't want to wake him so I'm just gonna sleep on the couch I fast and quiet took a pillow and a blanket from the closet I closet the door and laid on the soda I closet my eyes and fell asleep


I woke up to one sneezing I looked around I was in my bed and Justin was awake he was on his phone he looked at me "did you sleep good beautiful?" he said I nodded he smiled to me and he looked back at his phone "my head Is spinning" he said while putting his phone on the night table I took the covers off and got out of bed I walked over to the kitchen I took a pain killer and a glass of water I walked back to Justin I gave him the pills and water "thank you'' he said and put the pills in his mouth he drank the water and swallowed I took the glass and walked back to the kitchen I washed the cup "Y/N come back!" I heard him yell "I'm coming I just have to wash the cup" I said while drying the cup "you can do that later" he yelled I put the cup back I walked back to Justin I stood over at the door and he was sleeping of course he was I turned the lights off and closet the door I walked out to the living room it was night and I couldn't sleep so thought I wanted to go out on the balcony I looked to the side and saw Zayn he was smoking "you know you gonna die 30 years before you normally die" I said and he looked at me "like I haven't heard that before" he said and blow smoke out from his mouth "I'm just saying" I said and sat down on the chair " yeah but I just like the feeling of smoking" he said "why do you smoke at night?" I said "because the guys don't like I'm smoking" he said and took the cigaret in his mouth "okay" I said "how's Justin?" he said and turned his cigaret off "he's getting better" I said "okay" he said "why aren't you sleeping" he said "I can't sleep and I don't wanna wake Justin" I said "well I'm going back to bed goodnight" he said "goodnight" I said and he walked inside I looked out the moon shined bright and the stars was clear love when I looked at the sky

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