Happy, hot and sad day

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"No I'm all wet now" he said we stood there wet both "now you have to take a bath" he said while taking his shirt off I rolled my eyes "I'm just gonna wait" I said and took a towel I walked past him while i took the towel around me I closet the door after me I walked to the couch I sat down and turned the tv on I watched jersey shore in a half an hour when I heard the bathroom door open and Justin with a towel wrapped around his waist he smirked to me I got up and walked in to the bathroom I closet the door and took my clothes off it's really cold I stepped in the shower and turned the water on it was really cold I fast ran out "Justin it was cold!" I said I could hear him laugh I waited to it was warm I stepped in it was really warm it was nice I heard the door open I looked out I couldn't see anyone "Justin?" I said and I felt some arms wrap around my waist from behind "you called?" He said I turned around and saw Justin i took the curtens around me "what are you doing here?" I said "what I have seen you naked before" he said "yeah in the dark" I said "don't be shy" he said "I'm not shy" I said "then take it away" he said "no" I said I don't like my body and it hate to show it all in the light "I'm here naked you should to" he said "no Justin" I said Justin backed up he took his hand behind him and the water got cold I ran over to Justin "I hate you" I said he laughed "love you" he said while hugging me he turned the hot water back on he started to kiss me I kissed back I put my hands on his chest his hands held around my waist he leaned me on the wall kissing me down to my neck he found my sweet spot and I let out a little moan his body was against mine


We stood there both trying to catch our breath he smiled to me and I smiled back "your amazing" he said and kissed me "you to" I said I took the soap I washed my hair and body and so did Justin I got out Justin was still getting the soap off I took a towel and wrapped it around me I walked out I heard the boys out on the living room I opened the door and saw them they tried to stop laughing "what?" I said "nothing" Zayn said while trying to not laugh I walked away "oh Justin!" Niall said and they all laughed "douchbags!" I said "it was all worth it" Liam said and Justin came out with his hair dripping and a towel wrapped around his waist he closet the bathroom door "are the boys there?" Justin said "yeah and they heard us" I said while taking my shirt on "did they?" he said "yeah" I said "I'm going to get some other clothes" he said and walked out "oh Y/N!" I heard the boys say and laugh after i took my pants on and took a brush and brushed my hair I sat on the chair and looked in the mirror I got up and walked over to the door while I walked out I put my hair in a pony tail "Y/N have you meet Derek he lives downstairs" Harry said "great" I said I didn't even look I just walked in the kitchen I took some coffee and walked out with it I still didn't look at them I walked in the bedroom I grabbed my phone I walked back out I sat down next to Zayn I was locked on my phone "where's Justin?" Niall said I didn't answer I was busy on some tweets about a famous leaking nude pictures "hello?" I heard Niall I looked up at him "what?" I said "where's Justin?" Niall said "getting some clothes" I said and drank some coffee "hi" I heard a dark raspy voice I looked up and saw Derek "when did he came?" I said "for an hour ago" Harry said "hi" I said and looked back down on my phone I heard the door open "hey princes" he said and kissed my chin from behind he walked in the kitchen "Justin we are getting some food wanna join?" Niall said "yeah ofcours Y/N you going with us right?" he said from the kitchen "what are you getting?" I said still locked on my phone "pizza burgers something" he said "gross no thanks I'm just gonna cook myself" I said and Justin came he sat next to me he turned my head so I was looking at him he kissed me passionately Justin looked up and broke the kiss "who's that?" he said and pointed at Derek "I'm Derek I live down stairs" he said "your the kitten guy" Justin said "yeah" he said "well I'm Justin" he said "what are you looking at?" Justin said and looked at my twitter "about a famous he had put nudes on twitter" I said "oh yeah Dylan Sprouse from the sweet life of Zack and Cody" Niall said "no way" Liam said "it's true" Niall said "that just gross" I said and put the cup on the table "Justin I have to go shopping tomorrow" I said and looked up at him he looked at the boysc"we cant tomorrow" Justin said "why not?" I said "because we have this thing tomorrow morning" he said "what thing you ne-" he cut me off "well we are going princes please stay at home and don't leave the apartment" he said while getting up all the boys got up "see you " they all said and walked out but to irritated Justin I'm going out I looked out from the window and saw the getting in the car and drive wash I took my shoes on and my jacket and walked out I locked the door after me and walked down stairs now I can call Justin I took my phone and put it on my ear I walked outside "hello?" he said "hi I'm going out" I said "what I just told you to stay at home" he said "yeah I'm going out shopping" I said and walked past some stores "where?" he said "I won't tell you like you won't tell mere where you guys going tomorrow" I said "you to"he said "I won't go if I don't know where it is" I said while looking at the cutest bag "just tell me where you are going so I know where you are" he said "bye love you" I said and hanged up I walked in the store and looked at the bag I'm taking it I found the dress place I found a cute skater dress with small strips on I'm taking that to I found one in pink and one in baby blue I walked and found some really sexy bras I took two in red and pink and there were panties with them I took them I looked at the clock wow two hours already well I can take two more my phone called it was Justin "hello" I said "hi princes where are you?" he said "at the hospital I'm about to die" I said "no seriously" he said "just out looking for some clothes" I said while I found a really cute bikini "your stressing me princes I'm asking where" he said "at a clothe shop I'm home in two hours bye love you" I said fast and hanged up he called again I just ignored it I put it in my pocket would Justin like this I maybe should take some thongs I walked in and found two pairs blue and yellow I found a shirt were there stood censored on it and a stomach shown shirt there were hearts on it I took it I think I got enough I still got an hour back so I think I'm gonna go and take a walk I walked over to pay but there was a lot of people so I'm gonna stay here for a while


it was finely my turn I gave the clothe she put it in a bag I payed and took the bags I walked out wow it was dark there was only a few people on the street I started to walk towards my apartment I got there I knew Justin will be mad I walked up the stairs and I tried to open my apartment it was locked I unlocked it and walked in I put the bags in my bedroom there weren't anyone home how weird Justin wasn't here I'm just gonna sleep then I took my pj on and brushed my teeth I took my make up off and I crawled in bed I took the covers on and turned the lights off I closet my eyes and fell asleep


I woke up to someone shaking me I looked and saw the guys they looked scared and worried I sat up "what's wrong?" I said "have you seen Justin?" Liam said "no he didn't come home last night why?" i said "just what I thought get the guns we are going to find him at the chef Niall take Y/N" Liam said and they walked out "what happening where's Justin!?" I said while looking at Niall "just get some new clothes on and we will talk about this" Niall said closing the door after him i fast took some clothes on I walked out to him I sat next to him "what's going on where's Justin?" I said "yesterday when you left we got in a fight with the chef and he said that if he finds you or Justin again you will die" Niall said I got tears in my eyes "where's Justin" I said "we don't know he went out to get you but you didn't answer him he sat us off here and he never came back" Niall said I started to cry "what if there happened him something" I said Niall hugged me "don't worry he's going to be fin it's Justin" he said "it's all my fault I wanna go out and find him" I said but then the boys came in "he's dead" Zayn said "what!?" I said "he's dead we found his body at the lake" Harry said

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