How can he say that!?

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A better jacket on I looked around the three guys came over to me "hi" they said "hi" I said "we are at the fireplace you wanna join us?" one said "sure I would love to" I said and got up "great" he said and we walked over to the fireplace I sat down it felt nice to get some warm "so why are a beautiful woman alone at the night?" the one said "I was walking and now I don't know where I am" I said "oh well you just have to walk up there and you get to the street" he said "oh god I'm so stupid" I said "no your not it's dark you couldn't see it" he said "it's okay I'm stupid even my boyfriend and his friends thinks I'm stupid I thought soccer was football and football was soccer" I said and they laughed "that weird" he said "I know that's stupid" I said "why didn't you call your boyfriend?" he said "he did but my phone died when I talked with him" I said the guy took his phone up "here you can call with mine" he said "no thanks I can't remember his phone number even doe I should" I said "he's probably freaking out right now but I have to go thanks for helping me find my way" I said and got up "your welcome" he said the two other didn't speak at all I walked up to the street am I even in LA? it was dark and no cars IMF what's wrong with me how can I leave with out charging my phone I started to walk on the street I saw a sign it's the sign I know where I am now I walked past two streets and a car pulled up to me I looked it was Justin oh thank god I got in the front seat next to Justin "sorry" I said he didn't speak he just drove "I forgot to charges my phone" I said "yeah" he said "you like to just go away?" Justin said "what?" I said "you walked away today yesterday all the time!" he said and drove into the side "in sorry but I don't wanna spend all my time inside!" I said "it freaks me out every time you say you wanna go out!!" he yelled "so I can't go out anymore!!" I yelled "it's not what I'm saying I'm just saying you can't just walk out every time you walk out with out me I get scared!!" he yelled "why!! I'm just going out it's not like I'm going to hell!!" I said "it feels like you wanna run away or worse you get hurt like today you couldn't find the way back!!" he yelled "but I did I got help from three guys!!" I yelled "oh god" Justin said and looked out the window "you can't just talk with every guy you see!!" he yelled "why are you always after me I do one mistake and you flip out I never do it to you!!" I yelled "in not flipping out your just scare me every time the guys and me we have been around the beach!!" he yelled and took his phone up to his ear "hello?" he said "yeah she's here" he said "yeah see you at home" he said and hanged up he sighed and looked at me "so what are we going to do?" he said "you can stop being a jerk!" I said and got out of the car "Y/N get back in the car!" he said while getting out from the car I just ignored him and walked he took my arm and stopped me "no I wont!" I said and got lose "fine!'' he said and walked back to the car and drove of I walked again I'm soon home anyway god it's cold I crossed my arms I came to the apartment but then I remembered the time Justin got me scared I wanna do the same I walked out and looked around there's a motel there I have to scream so it's real I walked behind a wall and I was ready I don't care if I wake some up they aren't here anyway it's young people they out parting "JUSTIN HELP ME!!!" I screamed and I hide I'm weird I know I'm under threat meant I looked up and saw my balcony door and Justin's balcony door open I could hear them talk and they walked inside I fast ran over the street and I couldn't stop smiling I reached the motel I walked in and asked for a room I got a key and walked up to my room I walked in they had a tv great I took my shoes off I crawled in bed and turned the tv on and watched modern family oh god I shouldn't have done this I miss Justin already! I'm going back... no I can't I have to teach him this what am I teaching him anyway? I got it that he can't yell at me when I'm going out for a walk and get lost and talk with strangers I turned the tv off and looked at the clock it was 4 in the morning already I better sleep i turned the tv off and got comfortable but I couldn't it's hard with out Justin I miss him god he's probably really worry I should sleep and don't worry he's going to be pissed tomorrow but it's all revenge and to teach him something I turned the lights off and closet my eyes and fell asleep


I woke up my back is killing me it's felt like I was sleeping on rocks I got up and looked at the clock shit it half six omg what's wrong with me how long can I sleep I fast took my shoes on and my jacket I ran down stairs payed the man and I fast walked across the streets I reached the apartment I walked upstairs I sneaked over to the door it was locked I quiet took my keys and unlocked it quiet And walked I quiet sneaked in the bedroom Justin wasn't there but Justin have been here I took my clothes off an took some new clothes on I put my phone on charges and crawled in bed I'm tired and Justin isn't here so I'm just gonna sleep that's when I heard the smack up "Justin maybe it wasn't her that yelled if could be anyone" I heard Niall say "no no no! she yelled Justin help me and I was the one there left her alone I don't know why I did that!" he said he sounded like he was crying I got up and I stood at the door Justin's back was facing me and the boys got big eyes "oh god it's all my fault if there happened he something and the worst par is I left he on the str-" Niall cut him off "Justin turn around" he said and Justin turned around "oh god Y/N where the hell have you been!!" he said while walking over to me he hugged me "never ever do that again understand!!" he said see he acting like I was a child I'm nineteen for god sake "you acting like I'm a nine years old" I said "because it feels sometimes like that" Justin said "oh oh" Liam said "excuse me?" I said "I just didn't say that" Justin said "yes you did you think I'm nine years old!?" I said "no it wasn't what I meant" he said "that's why you think I'm annoying!!" I said "I don't think your annoying" he said "that wasn't what your mouth said yesterday!" I said "guys do you mind?" Justin said and they walked out "why did you even come home home now!" Justin said "because you left me there on the street!!!" I yelled "you said you didn't want to get in the car what's wrong with you!!" he yelled "i don't know my boyfriend is a jerk!!!" I yelled why is it we are fighting all the time "and my girlfriend killed my daughter!!!" he yelled he just didn't say that I got tears in my eyes"I'm so sorry I didn't meant that" Justin said and tried to hug me "get out!" I said "what?" he said "get out!" I said and dropped some tears "no don't say that I didn't mean that" he said "get out" I said and took his arm and pulled him to the door "I don't wanna leave you alone" he said I opened the door "get out it's over I wish I never met you!!" I yelled and pushed him out and I smacked the door I locked the door and I fell down against the door while crying he was knocking on the door and he was yelling "Y/N please open the door I didn't mean it!!" he yelled I cried more how could he say those things it hurts so much I never thought he would say it "Y/N I'm sorry" he said and knocked on the door I got up and walked into the bedroom I fell on the bed and cried in the pillow that's when I. Remembered he had a key I got up dried the tears away I took his key out of mine I walked over to The door I opened the door and he looked at me "I'm so sorry" he said "give me my key" I said "what why?" he said and took his keys up "just give me it" I said he took the key out I took it and gave him mine I closet the door

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