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The cap came and pulled up to the street "me too" I said "by princes" I said and gave her a kiss John cleared his throat I stood on my toes and gave him a kiss on his cheek "is it yours?" Niall said "no she's not his" I said "I thought so cuz she don't look like you it's almost like she has Justin's eyes" Niall said Justin looked up at me "I-I have to go now" I said and walked past them "wait!" Justin said i fast got in the cap Liam pulled in Justin me and Justin got eyes "where?" he said "here this address" I said and handled him the address and we drove of I sighed I looked back the guys started driving too I took the sunglasses and the hat off I fixed my hair in the mirror at the side i looked back the guys were right behind us Liam and Justin were in the front "could we maybe take another way?" I said "sure" he said and drove to the left the guys drove past us


We pulled up to the concert I got out wow there was a lot of girls there's was four minutes left I walked up to the row I got pulled in my arm I looked it was a guy with sunglasses and a black hoodie "it's Liam go with me" he whispered "Liam?" I said "shh" he said and took my hand he pulled me with him we walked past the big row until we got to the back there was a security guard standing there Liam took his sunglasses and hoodie off and he let us in we walked in "okay you have to be in the first row so Niall will notice you and you gonna meet us k?" Liam said "sure" I said he followed me out it was empty he let go of my hand I walked down and stood in the first row he walked back behind the wall and I could hear all the girls come in screaming I held on the fence and looked back at the scene as the screaming girls came up to me I couldn't hear anything beside them screaming I sighed finely the lights got off and the big screens came on and the guys came out on the stage Justin is probably backstage the girls screamed more I smiled "we wanna tha-" Niall stopped talking when me and him got eye contact "we wanna thank you all for coming!" Harry said Liam pulled Niall back Harry were talking but I didn't really listen me Niall had eye contact all the time Liam were talking to him Niall shook his head and walked over to a security guard he whispered to him the music started the security guard nodded and started walking towards me I backed up Liam shook his head to me making the sing that I had to go back I turned around and walked between the girls I had to go out I can't I'm really nervous I walked and was almost ready to walk out when a pair of hands grabbed my arm I looked it was the security guard "Niall wants to see you" he said "ehm but I have to leave now" I said "let's go" he said and pulled me with him I sighed we walked past the girls and got backstage "you have to wait here" he said while pulling me into the guys room "but I have to go" I said he closet the door I sighed and sat down on the couch there was snacks on the table three mirrors and another room I think it was the bathroom I could hear whistle coming closer to the room I looked at the door the door opened and Justin came in he closet the door he haven't noticed me he took his jacket off and put two DVDs on the table I cleared my throat and he fast turned around "Y/N!" he said "hi" I said "hi!? what are you doing here!?" he said "I got dragged out here by a security guard" I said "how could you leave me!?" he said "I'm sorry Justin" I said "sorry!? You just left me for 10 month!" he said "Justin calm down" I said "no I won't calm down you can't just walk in here!" he said "yeah I know but you guys moved next to me I didn't move in next to you" I said "so your the girl next door I knew it!" he said "wait who's Annabelle then?" he said while walking over to me "ehm my daughter and maybe.... yours" I said "I knew it since the wedding you were pregnant!" he said and sat down next to me "but I'm not sure if it's yours" I said "who else could it be?" he said "Niall's" I said "ugh!" he said and leaned on the couch and tilted his head back "so that baby is actually my daughter?" he said "maybe" I said "you told me you weren't pregnant you got mad at me because I lied!" he said "yeah I'm sorry but I want her for myself i know you guys can't handle her" I said "can't handle her? I could handle you and you ran away every minute!" he said "well I already decided the father" I said "you can't decide that she's mine" he said "no she's Johns" I said "no she's not you can't take her from me!" he said "you even weren't when I got her!" I said "how could I when you ran away!?" he said "we're gonna take a test" he said "no we're not" I said "yes we are you know I'm gonna get you in court and they will make you take a test!" he said I sighed "test it is!" he said "your not as I remembered you were" I said "neither are you" he said and moved closer "but I missed you" he said and hugged me I hugged back and buried my face in his neck "can I visit her like her father?" he said "we don't know if your her father" I said "she's had brown hair brown eyes" he said and pulled away "let's just make that test first" I said he nodded "so ehm John?" he said "what about him?" I said "are you together?" he said "maybe" I said "maybe?" he said "he asked me today and I don't know" I said "don't do it I know how to take care of her I know you inside and out" he said "Justin we can't" I said he sighed "Y/N we two are build for each other why can't you see it we're always finding each other again" he said "you found me I didn't try to look for you again" I said "you can't tell me you don't love me" he said "Justin I don't love you" I said "I can see you do!" he said "Justin you can't fo-" he cut me off by kissing me I missed those perfect soft lips I kissed back but I can't cu I will just break his heart again and he can't take that anymore I broke the kiss he looked at me "I have to go now" I said and got "no stay!" he said while holding around my wrist "no Justin I have to check on Annabelle" I said and took his hand away "no your not your just gonna runaway again" he said while standing up "I don't even wanna listen to you" I said and turned around but he pulled me back "don't cuz she's mine I know it and we're going to court!" he said I took his hand away and walked over to the door I walked out I heard him kick to something I walked down the hall I could hear the music they were still singing I got back out in the crowed I looked up the guys saw me I hurried away I got to the door I walked out I should never have even come here I walked down the street "wait!" one yelled I looked back it was Justin he came running up to me a lot of the girls who couldn't come in to the concert started screaming they came running over to us "I'm sorry!" he said I got past the girls he was still caught in the circle he signed some papers before running out the circle I started running "Y/N!" he yelled the people were looking at us he came up to me and stopped me by pulling in my hand "stop before the paparazzi's comes" he said and held my hand "no I'm going home!" I said and there came this car and a lot of blitz came on us "let's go" he said and pulled in me we started running we ran to the back door and walked in I took his hand away "just leave me alone you can meet me when you want her!" I said "see you admit that she's mine!" he said "no if she was yours then just leave me alone and come to pick her up!" I said "no I can't just leave you alone not after all that we went through!" he said "what? the raping the kidnapping the hitting!" I said "also that I'm sorry about that but I want us to be a family!" he said "we're not gonna be a family she may not even be yours!" I said "she is I know it!" he said I sighed really angry and walked past him "you can't go out there" he said "you might be famous but I'm not" I said and opened the door there stood like 30-40 paparazzi's with cameras they took pictures Justin closet the door fast "stop it your gonna get them to the make up stories" he said the music stopped in the arena I looked out to the door to the backstage "I have togo" I said and the guys came running in I got the door open and I ran out "Y/N!" I heard Niall yell I tried to walk between the people "are you and Niall dating!?" one asked "are you and Justin dating!?" one asked again "are you cheating on them both!?" one asked I got out from the crowed I walked fast I looked back they were now around Niall and the guys Niall stood on his toes trying to look at me we got eye contact and he tried to move faster I started running again I can't get a cap now I just have to run home then


I got up to my house I stopped trying to get my breath back I walked inside "now mommy home" John said with a baby voice he came over to the hall he was holding Annabelle "did you run home?" he said "yeah I needed to run a little" I said "why are you home now? the concert should first end in about one hour" he said "yeah but it was boring so I went home" I said and took Annabelle I kissed her on her cheek while walking over to the couch "what did you two do?" I said "I gave her milk I played with her and went outside a little" he said "okay" I said and laid her on my lap "did you changed her diaper?" I said while looking back at him he nodded and sat down next to me "so have you've been thinking about the question?" he said I looked at him "ehm I don't know yet" I said "yeah just say no a beautiful girl like you won't fall in love with me" he said while looking away "no I mean of course I do" I said "you do?" he said I nodded and he kissed me oh no what have I now done? did I really just make him my boyfriend? what's wrong with me? I kissed back he pulled away "let's get her in bed" he said I nodded and picked her up I walked in her room I put her in the bed she was tired I could see it a pair of hands came around my waist I looked back it was John "let's go and watch a movie" he said "okay do you have the baby alarm?" I said he nodded and took my hand we walked out I closet the door we walked over to the couch and sat down "what do you wanna watch?" I said "what about scream it's good" he said "but it's a horror movie" I said "yeah I know" he said and got up he put the movie on I took a blanket on my lap he sat back down and put the blanket on his lap too he took his arm around me


the movie ended "I hate you" I said "what? it was not that scary" he chuckled "ye it was" I said "well then I guess I have to stay here the night keep you with company" he said and kissed me "you don't wanna stay she's gonna cry all night long" I said "I can handle her now when she's gonna be mine" he said "ehm as her stepfather" I said he nodded "cuz I talked with her father today at the concert" I said "the father? which one?" he said "ehm Justin" I said "and he the first right?" he said I nodded "what did he say?" he said "he wants her too and if I won't take a test to see who's we belongs to then he'll bring me in court" I said "but that just takes a second so let's do it now" he said "now? I don't think he's home" I said "where do he live?" he said "next door" I said "the famous guy?" he said I nodded "who else?" he said "Niall" I said he sighed "that's okay we'll just take a test" he said and got up "where you go-" I got cut off by someone knocking on the door hard "Y/N!!" one yelled it was Justin "stay here" John said and walked over to the hall I got up and looked he opened the door Justin stood there "is Y/N here?" he said "no she's not" John said "I know she is so move!" Justin said "listen she's not home!" John said "just move I wanna she her!" he said and walked past John he walked in and looked to the sides to he saw me "no she's not home at all" Justin said to John he came in to us "I wanna see her" Justin said "she's sleeping" I said "I'm so close to actually get him away Y/N you know I can" Justin said "why? another reason to ruin my life?" I said "ruin your life I don't want him around my daughter" he said "and how do you gonna get him away?" I said John walked over to me and took his arm around me "the chef" he said "yeah I'm still friends with him" he said "Justin would you just leave me alone she might not even be yours!" I said "dude get out" John said "mind your own business I'm talking to her" Justin said "Justin you can see her later" I said "when I come back we need to talk alone" he said I nodded he turned around and walked out I sighed "where did you meet him he's pretty weird" John said "no he's not weird he just wanna see his daughter" I said "but what if it isn't his?" he said "I don't know I just think it's his" I said

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