author's note

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Hi guys. I currently have no inspiration to write.

It's confession time.

I'm a freshman in high school and it's kicking my ass. Algebra is making me stressed out. My teacher game back from maternity leave and I forgot how much I hate her. I don't get it.

Then I just started soccer season. Game's every Tuesday and Friday. Friday's are away games and it wears me out. I'm an athletic trainer but still. I come home exhausted from school everyday. Emotionally I'm not with it. I'm currently 2 weeks clean. It's been hell on Earth. I went through a breakup that devastated me. I cry almost every day. Then during Christmas break I found out that I have to have surgery on my toes (long story) and it's like 2000 dollars and we don't have that kind of money. My toes are so jacked up my body is suffering. Both knees hurt and my lower back hurts a lot.

Anyways what I'm trying to say is I don't think I'm gonna be able to write for awhile. I need to be with it emotionally to be able to write.

I also haven't been into these kind of books anymore. I haven't touched this book since October. I'm taking a medical class right now but it's not helping me and my writng.

I know I'm terrible. I'm sorry

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