Chapter 11

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  Just as quickly as night passed, morning arrived. He wake up only to feeling his eyes in a very dry state. I think I might have cried myself to sleep last night, Taehyung thought to himself.

   His feel something soft and fluffy on his right hand. It was a feather, or to be specific, that feather...the one hyung gave me..... doesn't I already thrown it out of the window last night? He quickly sat up, grabbed the feather with his hand. " came..h ere last night...” Taehyung burried back his head in his bed.


  “Hyora, how is Taehyung? Is he alright?" Miss Shin  asked Hyora who was having her breakfast.

  “I'm not sure  auntie but today I will explain everything to the headmaster so you do not need to worry,” Hyora smiled slightly, then took a sip of her milk.

  “Thank you Hyora. Please take care of yourself okay?" She was holding back her tears. Miss Shin then hugged Hyora tightly.


  Hyora have to left the house early in the morning as planned. She have to explain everything to the headmaster.

  "Yah Park Jimin. That blind ass's cousin is finding you!” The black Raven hair boy yelled.
  “Min Yoongi! Can you please shut up?” Jimin said, smacking Yoongi's head and walked toward Hyora.

  “ you need anything?” Jimin scratched his head while asking.

   “I'm going to the principle's office, I need to tell the headmaster what San Hee did to Taehyung, do you want to accompany me?”

  “ least I can help.”


    Miss Shin was holding a tray of food.
  "Taehyung, come out and have your breakfast, you didn't eat much last night,right? Hyora already went to school, you can resting at home today.”

  Taehyung sat on his bed. He looks haggard and tired.

  “Mum...I will eat after this...please leave me alone..." He replied in weakly.

  "Taehyung...I'm so worried about you, can you at least open the door and let me see you? Even though I'm your Mom and live under the same roof, I rarely get to see you...” A row of tears rowed down from her eyes.She was so worried about him.She didn't know wat can she do,she did not know how to help Taehyung, her one and only son.

  “Sorry mom....I didn't mean to make you worried...” Taehyung opened the door and reach out to hug his mother, eyes turning watery

  “It's okay, Taehyung...” Miss Shin ruffled his hair and smiled.

  "It's so painful...Taehyung...please help me...” Jungkook was lying on the floor. Because of that, he didn't want to meet Taehyung. He wouldn't want Taehyung to see him in pain. Most of the time the pain in his chest doesn't fade. Sometimes he wished that he could just die so that the pain can never consume him anymore...but he can't kill himself in one way or another...the god is teasing him...I'm so sorry Taehyung....I could not protect you anymore...please forgive me....and forget about me....mianhae....his tears flowed like a tap, unstoppable.

Don blame me don blame me..(;_;(;_;I know your feeling must be→WHY SO LATE UPDATE!!!!SHORT CHAPTER SOME MORE!!!!!!(・∀・) So sorry *try my best try my best*btw I don want to write Taehyung like always crying..eheh I guess you all also don like sorry..anyway thanks for 500+ readers!!!


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