Chapter 7

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"Am I still alive?”Jungkook woke up but his head hurts a little, it must be the impact when he fall. He sudden realised that he was lying on a bed which was oddly familiar- it was  Taehyung's bed. The younger was sleeping on the floor.

  "Hyung? You are finally awake!! Are you ok?! ” Taehyung was awaken up by Jungkook's voice . He had fainted yesterday, if Taehyung have not followed him, he would be left out there to die...

  “Why I am here?” Jungkook sat up on the bed, he looked at Taehyung and there was a worried expression written on his face.

  “ARE YOU STUPIDDD?!!???! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU AREN'T FEELING WELL?!!?DO YOU KNOW YOU ARE VERY IMPORTANT TO ME?!?!?!” Taehyung yelled at him in the face, he really cares for Jungkook and doesn't want Jungkook to leave him.
  "Tae... Taehyung...I'm so sorry...I just...”Before he could finish his sentence, Taehyung hugged him tightly. Jungkook was very surprised by his actions.

  "I am really sorry Taehyung. I didn't mean to keep you worried like this...Please forgive me,” He hugged Taehyung back.


  It was finally a Monday... which is the day of school for Taehyung. Early in the morning, Hyora knocked on Taehyung's door. She didn't know that Taehyung was already well and prepared. She was so shocked when she saw Taehyung walking out of his room without any delay.

  “Let's go!” Taehyung grabbed his walking stick and said. It must be weird that Taehyung is willing to go to school, it is because Jungkook said that he will meet him in school. That make Taehyung felt safer when he go to school. 

  “O..oppa, I'm so glad you are willing to go to  school with me!!" Hyora said in excitement.

  “I'm not your oppa, we are the same age," He said in flat tone.

  "Then what should I call you, unnie?”Hyora scratched her head. She doesn't know what he was thinking about.

  “Eishh, just be quiet!” Taehyung snapped.


  “Taehyung,” Jungkook whispered in his ears. He made a promise with Taehyung that he will go to school with him everyday as a make up with Taehyung. After that day he fainted, he promised that he will share everything with Taehyung.

  “Hyung!!!” Taehyung cheered happily. As long as Jungkook was with him, he is not afraid.

  “Kim quiet down, who are you talking to?” Hyora was doubtful about Taehyung's weird behaviour.

  "Yah!! Just keep your mouth shut will yah?!?!”


Taehyung was nervous when they stopped outside their classroom.

  "You don't have to be afraid, I'm here.” Jungkook tapped on his shoulder and walked into the class. All of the student became quiet when they saw Taehyung entering the classroom.

  "Jimin ya, who are they? Is he blind?” The student who was sitting infront asked a guy, Jimin, loudly.

  “Don't care about them oppa. Just walk.” Hyora grabbed Taehyung's wrist. She didn't forget that she need to protect Taehyung no matter what, even if it means that she would be bullied.

  “Are you the new student?”Jimin come over to them and asked. "I am the monitor of this class, if you have any problems you can come to me.” Jimin said while showing them a broad smile.

  “Okay, thank you but where are our seats?” Hyora asked.

  "He can sit beside me and you can sit here behind me.” Jimin pointed at the table behind him.

  “Taehyung, here is your seat.” Hyora bring Taehyung to his seat and put her bag on the chair that Jimin showed her just now. A random girl sitting beside her looks pretty, she wore a green hoodie and tied her hair to a ponytail.

  "Wowww, I'm very unlucky Yah, Kim Taehyung!!!!” A girl who was wearing short skirt shouted at Taehyung while walking toward him. (A/N: the girl sitting beside Hyora is not the meanie)

  Taehyung stood frozen on his seat. 'W...who was the one that called me...I don't know who she is...I don't know...I don't want to know...’

  “Taehyung, don't care about her. I know how you feel, just don't pay attention to her.” Jungkook hold his left arm to make him feel safer.

  "Yah, San Hee!!! Do not bully the new students!!”
"Taehyung... is that your name? Don't care about her, she is always like that .”

  San Hee? Lee San Hee ? Why...why...must it be her again...please don't do this to me... jebal...


  When Taehyung first went to school, he was 16. At first, he didn't have to worried about anything, he thought that everything will be the same as what he has heard from others, but he was not very lucky. Everybody didn't like him, once they see him, they quickly walk away, it was as if Taehyung was a monster.

  "Yah! Wake up, you stupid!” San Hee was the one who always bullies him. She will kick him when there was no one around, even if people witnessed it, they just walk pass. And in some worst case, some will join her too...

  "I didn't do anything wrong, why...why are you doing this to me?” Taehyung sat in a corner and yelled at San Hee. It's really hurt alot,he can't endure it any longer.

  “Are you scolded me?! Just because you are blind you are still the same as others!!” San Hee pulled his hair, bringing his face to her eye level. Taehyung was crying, tears starts flowing down from his eyes. He did not chose to be blind,he have no is not fair...the world is not fair......

  God was on his side and a teacher witnessed  how San Hee bullied Taehyung, so he reported it to the head master. San Hee was then been kicked out from the school and Taehyung's mom,Miss Shin, didn't allow Taehyung to go to that school ever since then. She cannot  believe that people do such cruel things to her son and it's even a girl. From that day on, Taehyung hated school, he didn't trust anyone anymore. Jungkook wasn't there to help him...he didn't saved him...

*End of flashback*

  “Yah, Kim Taehyung!! Are you deaf? So now you are deaf too?” San Hee kicked Taehyung's table, causing it to topple.

  “Hey!! Just what do you think you are doing?” Hyora pushed San Hee, the hatred is already building up inside.

  Suddenly, San Hee was being pushed to a wall, it was very strange or I could say terrifying as they couldn't see anyone pushing her.......




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