Chapter 16- Annabeth and Percy's POV- The End of The Beginning

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Percy's POV

Slowly, the world became bright again and my eyes opened. For a moment I expected to see Annabeth beside me, but then I remembered the terrible events that had happened. Cailin had taken Annabeth. I quickly sat up and looked beside me to see that Melody had fallen asleep I sighed and quickly took my phone out of my pocket, and dialed my mom's number.

"Hello?" She answered on the third ring.

"Hey mom, it's me." I said and I could tell she was smiling.

"Percy!" She exclaimed happily, "how're you?"

"Not great mom." I admitted.

"What's wrong?" I could hear the worry in her voice.

"It's Annabeth." I said slowly.

"What happened?" She asked anxiously.

"She was taken, by a group of demigods and a Godess." I answered honestly.

"What can I do to help?" She asked.

"I was wondering if you could watch Melody, so I could go out and look for her."

"Of course," she said and then paused. "But Percy-"

"What Mom?"

 "What if you get hurt."

"Then I'll get hurt." I answered firmly. "I have to find Annabeth."

"Percy I'm also wondering, Annabeth's pregnant..."

Then it hit me, if they were going to be experimenting on Annabeth, would something happen to the baby?

"All the more reason to find her quicker." I responded, "please hurry mom, the more time wasted is the more time that Annabeth's in danger."

"I'll be there in a few minutes." She says and I nod.

"Okay." I say and hang up the phone.

I will find you Annabeth.

Annabeth's POV

I woke up and I was no longer in the car, instead I was in a cell, a dark, cold cell. The stone floor was damp and I saw other people who looked weak and frail around me, what was I doing here? What were they going to do to me? I was pregnant, did they know that? Did they not care? I would have to fight back, I would have to get out of this miserable place. But, how could I? I looked around again, taking in everything this time and noticed that there were guards, I felt as if my case was hopeless.

 "Why are you here?" I heard a weak voice from around me ask.

 I look beside me and see that in a cell over there is a girl who can't be older than seventeen, which breaks my heart.

"Cailin- she took me." I answered, "why are you here?"

"Same," the girl says. "I'm Violet, what's your name?"

"Annabeth." I answer and she smiles.

"I've heard about you." She says, "you're a legend at Camp Half-Blood."

I smile and nod and feel the mood darken when I hear someone screaming. "What- what do they do to us here?" I ask slowly, afraid of what the answer might be.

"They test our abilities." She says quietly. "Test things on us, see if one day they can make a demigod invinsible. Once they give us the product, they harm us in ways to see if it works."

I move closer to her. "We're going to get out of here." I say although I'm not one hundred percent sure of myself, "someone will come for us."

Percy's POV

I drive down the road, wondering where they could have taken Annabeth, wondering how much time I have until they hurt her; or if they've harmed her already. I was driving to the empire state building, I was going to Olympus, if the Gods couldn't find her, nobody could.

A while later I arrived at the Empire State Building, I went up to the 600th floor and quickly walked to where the Gods' and Godess' thrones were. I saw my father sitting alone, and quickly headed in his direction.

"Ah, Percy." My father said when he saw me, "how may I help you?"

"It's Annabeth, Cailin she's a Godess and she took her."

 Posieden's friendly smile instantly turned into frown. "Cailin." He muttered, "always making the rest of us look bad. Do you have any idea where she took her?"

"If I knew where she had taken her, I would have gone and gotten her. Can you help me or not?" Just at that moment Cailin's mother, Aphrodite sashayed in.

"What's going on about my daughter?" She asks.

"Your daughter, took Annabeth." I answer.

"Cailin?" She asks, as if it came to her as a huge surprise.

"Yes, Cailin your godess daughter, she took Annabeth to some facility."

"Oh." Aphrodite says and looks at her gold painted finger nail. "I suppose we should go and rescue her."

I nod and Aphrodite sighs, "I know my daughter well, I know exactly where she is." She says.

Annabeth's POV

It had been two hours, and thankfully I had not been disturbed by anyone but I knew sooner or later it would happen. I heard sounds in the hallway, footsteps and I stood up weakly, gripping the bars of my cell. I looked out and saw Percy and Aphrodite in the hallway and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Annabeth!" Percy exclaims as he runs over to me.

"Percy." I say.

"Did they do anything to you?" Percy asks frantically and I notice Aphrodite is smiling at us.

"No," I say and shake my head. "How did you find me?"

"I went to Aphrodite, and got her help. Don't wory they're sending Cailin to Tartarus, she will never bother us again."

"And Melody?" I ask.

"She's fine." Percy says as Aphrodite comes up behind Percy and smiles

"I hate to interrupt," she says. "But we really need to get Annabeth and everyone else out of here."

Percy nods and Aphrodite opens all of the cells, and we are all free once again. Violet's smiling widely beside me and everything in my world feels right, once again.


Here, we are at our end. I have finally written the last chapter of the "Chase Jackson Diaries" The Journey was long, but at the end it has all been worth it. You guys have been Amazing and I have had such a blast writing this for you :)

Today's dedication goes to TaylorSwiftHates1D because she was my first fan of this book. She's been so supportive along the way and she's also my best friend.

I've decided to write some bonus chapters for you guys, and I'm going to go ahead and tell you what they are.

1. The birth of the Chase Jackson's second child.

2. The birth of Piper's first child.

3. Melody's Wedding

4. The birth of Melody's first child

5. Percy and Annabeth's Fiftieth anniversary.

If you have any more bonus chapters, comment them and I will add them :). Thanks for reading guys and I love you all so much.


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⏰ Son güncelleme: Jan 26, 2014 ⏰

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