Chapter Eight- Annabeth's P.O.V.-First Anniversary

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Hi everyone! I know I haven't updated for about a week, and I'm sorry for the wait I am (yet again) putting my other two works on hold so I can focus on The Chase Jackson Diaries! I hope you are happy with my idea, and I will try to update more often! Also, this is the anniversary chapter and I am going to try to make it as long as possible, Melody will probably not be in much of this chapter because it's mainly about Annabeth and Percy's relationship.

Also, happy early (at least it's early at the time I'm writing this) birthday to my friend @TaylorSwiftHates1D she's the main reason my fan fiction exists (I barely knew Percy Jackson existed before I met her). Happy Birthday!!!

Also I finally figured out how I imangine Annabeth to look like (in my book) Candice Accola reminds me of Annabeth, just so you know in case you were curious ;). Also this chapter might have some very romantic stuff (next child.... hint hint ;) ), and some remarks hinting to what they're planning on doing. Just warning you :). They're will be no sexual scene in this chapter, I'm 13 there's no way I'm writing about that but they're might be a make-out scene hinting to what's coming.

Here's your chapter!

Melody is 2 months and 3 weeks old.

I felt like a terrible mom, I was leaving my daughter with Sally and Paul so Percy and I could spend our anniversary weekend together, we were going to visit the beach for the weekend and she would be staying with them. Of course, I wanted and needed the time with Percy, but I was very worrysome about Melody. Would she be alright without me? I knew that it was natrual, and obviously I trusted Sally and Paul but still I couldn't stop worrying. I looked behind me (I was sitting in the passenger seat of the Sante-fe) and saw Melody passed out in her miniscule car seat. She looked adorable in her red long sleeved onesie that said 'My Daddy Loves Me' We pulled up in their driveway and the car halted to a stop. Percy went around the side and got Melody out of her carseat- there was no need for me to get out Tears rushed to my eyes anyways though.

I looked back at Percy and Melody as Percy pulled Melody out of the car seat and smiled, I felt so excited yet sad at the same time. I was a nervous wreck, but deep down I knew that I needed to get used to this and it would be good in the long run. I watched as Percy carried Melody inside and I sat in the car, waiting for Percy to re-appear. While I waited I checked my reflection in the mirror and smiled. I had straightened my hair and put a silver barrette to match my hot pink dress, I thought I looked nice.

Percy walked back into the car, and opened the door, taking the seat beside me. He looked over at me and smiled, and I did the same. "Happy anniversary honey," he said lovingly.

 I smiled at him and he leaned across the dashboard and our lips pressed together in a heated kiss. We hadn't had moments like this in what felt like an eternity, we hadn't been focusing on our relationship for a long time, Since Melody had been concieved; almost a year ago. Even after all that had happened, I still loved no one as much as I loved Percy Jackson. He and Melody were my everything.

Our kiss broke and I saw Percy smile his adorable smile, and I realized we were still in his parents driveway; doing something that a high school couple might do, the thought made me smile.

"What's so funny?" He asked and his adorable green eyes gleam in the moonlight.

"It's just," I say with a wide grin on our face. "We're doing something that a younger couple might do, we haven't actually kissed in forever. And it feels surreal."

He smiled and squeezed my hand lovingly, "I could get used to this." He whispered, "we have the entire night together, who knows what will happen." I knew he was flirting, but trust me we could not risk having another baby yet- not now. I loved Melody with all of my heart and so did Percy, but I wanted her to feel special for  a while.

"Why are you flirting with me Mr. Jackson?" I asked and couldn't help but giggle as he smiled lovingly.

"I don't know Mrs. Chase-Jackson, am I?"


We drove to the beach, and in about three hours we were at the beautiful bright yellow beach house that we had rented for the weekend. It was two stories, and reminded me of the new house which we would be moving into in about three weeks, I couldn't wait. I ran inside like a little girl while Percy lugged our baggage and I twirled in the expansive living room, feeling like a teenager again, not a mom. Obviously I loved being a parent, and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world; but now I was care-free and even though I missed Melody and thought I would start bawling if I thought about her too much; this felt good.Percy walked in behind me and smiled, setting the luggage down with a thud on the wooden floor. He smiled and walked over to me, placing his hands ever so lightly on my waist, the feeling was incredible but then a wave of anxiety came over me.

"Melody." I mumbled, my forehead creasing with worry, "do you think she misses us?"

"I've been worried about that too." Percy admits and sighs rubbing my arm reassuringly, "but we wouldn't have left her if we were positive it was for the best. We love her so much, and I know it's hard but I'm sure it's for the best, we have to get used to it."

"I know." I sighed, "I just feel like a terrible parent."

"You are not a terrible parent." He says firmly, "you are an amazing parent, if there's anyone terrible here it's me. I cheated on you, and worse I hid it from you I was a jerk Annabeth, and I'm truly sorry. But you, you took me back and you still love me just as much before. And I love you, more and more every single day. I always have and I always will."

"Percy-" I rush out unable to stop myself, what he's just said makes me love him even more. He's amazing.

(Warning Make-out scene Skip over next paragraph if you're not interested )

Percy turns to face me and smiles, and to my surprise he has tears in his eyes from all of the raw emotions he just revealed, and it's the sweetest sight in the world. He wraps his strong arms around my waist ans kisses my passionately, and carries me to our untouched bedroom. And I knew exactly what was going to happen next...

Hi everyone! I'm so sorry to leave you there, but I figured it would be a nice way to end it because at least you know what's going to happen. I'm sorry I spoiled it, but I hope you are all excited :). I've had this planned for a while, and I've been bouncing with excitment to share it with you and I'm so glad that I finally can! Dinner is calling my name and I have TONS of homework so I'm going to go :).

Here's your question:

Q: Are you excited about the new baby?!?!?

1. OMG Yes! I cannot wait I wish you had told us sooner!!!!!

2. I'm happy but I wish you had kept it a sectet until she got the positive pregnancy test.

3. Aww.... I wanted Melody to be the only child :(.

4. You're making them have children too fast.... SLOW DOWN!

I'll try to update soon.


Meg :)

P.S.- I'm sorry the  chapter was so short!

Chase Jackson Diaries (Sequel to Becoming a Family) (Percy Jackson Fan-Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now