Chapter Fifteen- Annabeth's POV- Strange Strangers

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Hey everyone! I was on writer's block for CJD until a few minutes ago I was up in my room and I got the perfect idea, I'm not going to spoil the fun by sharing it but I cannot wait to explain everything in this chapter! So here it is!

Also I'm sorry for the long wait for an update, I've made a decision and I'll go more into detail at the end of the chapter :).

Melody is 3 months and 3 weeks old.

Annabeth is 8 weeks pregnant.

"Percy." I say and turn around to face him, only to see that Melody is already in his arms and he looks like he's ready to bolt with her, but I know he won't leave me. "You have to go- get Melody to safety." I said.

"I can't leave you." He said firmly as he held Melody closer to his chest.

"Yes you can." I reply, "please just get Melody to safety. That's the most important thing right now."

 "No." Percy says as he walks over to me, "The most important thing right now is making sure we're all safe, that includes you, Annabeth. There is no way that I'm leaving you."

I nodded and grasped Percy's hand, as Cailin's glare deepened.

"Can you please stop the romantics, we aren't here for that." Cailin said as she rolled her eyes.

"Then why are you here?" I asked her. "You can't just keep on coming into our lives."

"I can do whatever I want to do." She said as she moved so she stood a few meer inches away from my face. "I'm the most powerful woman here, remember?"

 "Can you please just cut to the chase." I said. "Who are these people?"

Cailin smiled as if she was innocent and then looked me in the eye. "These are my sons, Braden, Damon and Jaxon." She said. "They are half bloods just like you and Percy."

I stared into the eyes of the three men and was instantly shocked, but relieved at the same time. At least they weren't gods.

"Why did you bring them here?" I asked, suddenly feeling nervous. Those boys looked intimidating and I knew that if they had any of their mother's blood running in their veins, then they were intimidating. She smirked.

"My sons and I run a little facility in Georgia, it's where we experiment on demigods, figure out things about them. Test them, learn about them. And you, Annabeth are soon going to be one of our test subjects."

 I start to edge myself away from her, but I know nothing I do will make things any better. "Cailin just because you're stronger than Percy and I, doesn't mean you can push us around. I am not going with you."

"You will go wherever I tell you to." Cailin says, sounding sure of herself.

 Although I am not looking at Percy, I can feel his glare directed towards Cailin. "I will not let you do anything with my wife." He says firmly and gently sets Melody down in her swing, as if to seclude her from what is going on around her.

"I don't believe you have a choice, Mr. Jackson." Cailin says and smirks. "Braden, go ahead."

What? I wonder but my brain barely has any time to process the thought before Braden is next to Percy and has pushed him to the ground roughly, I gape at what he has just done and try to run over to Percy, but Cailin restrains me.

"I don't think so sweetheart." Cailin says with venom in her words. "You're coming with me."

"No, I'm not." I growl and my glare deepens, "there is nothing you can say or do that will make me join you, I will not be your little lab rat."

She ignores my comment about Damon and instead smiles and shrugs toward where Percy lays, which confuses me at first but I then look over and gasp. Braden has a knife to his neck. "Don't you dare.." I say, but I know I have nothing I can do to help Percy's cause other than to obey Cailin.

"He won't touch your dear husband." She says drily, "as long as you come with us."

 I nod and feel my heart sink, knowing there is no other way. I cannot let them kill Percy, but I do not want to leave my family. But yet, I know I have to do it.

I walk out with her and her sons to the dark SUV which stands in the driveway and she shoves me in the back door.

Goodbye Percy, Goodbye Melody.

Hey everyone! I'm sorry for another cliffhanger and I'm also extremely sorry for the One month (almost) wait for an update! I haven't forgotten about you guys, I've just been very busy lately and I also started writing a new book! Also, I was on writer's block for a bit but it's gone now! I'm going to try to fit in more updates and I will try to have the next chapter up soon! Please comment and vote, I love reading your comments! I love you all!

Here's your question of the chapter:

Do you want the next chapter to have some of Percy's POV and Annabeth's POV? Leave in the comments below!

-Meg :)

Chase Jackson Diaries (Sequel to Becoming a Family) (Percy Jackson Fan-Fiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz