Chapter 11- Percy and Annabeth's P.O.V.- Secrets Unveiled

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Hey everyone! I was shocked and amazed when I got so many comments on the last chapter I put out so quickly!! You guys seriously made my day and I am so glad that you enjoy (at least I hope you do) my writing :). I'm so sorry for leaving you with a cliffhanger like that even if it was only for a short period of time, I hope you guys will enjoy this chapter and guess what? Percy's POV is back!!! Annabeth and Percy will both narrate some parts of this chapter and you're going to learn a lot about Percy, and you may learn a thing or two about Annabeth too. I'm going to go ahead and I hope you enjoy this chapter!! And there will be another species coming into this series soon.... Can you guess what it will be??? And, yes it is played by a main character from The Originals and TVD but no, it's not Rebekah. This is strictly Percy Jackson, no Vampire Diaries (Although that show is epically amazing!!!!)

Melody is 3 months and 1 Week old.

Annabeth is 6 weeks pregnant.

Annabeth's P.O.V.

I don't run out to my car dramatically like they always make the people do in the movies. I simply walked out to my car, opened the Car Door and put Melody in her seat and then following to buckle myself in. And Percy didn't chase after me either, he stayed inside. Because, this wasn't a movie; where the characters would fall madly in love again. This was reality, and sometimes reality sucked.

I pulled out of the driveway and drove calmly down the road, there were no screeching tires but I was crying. Percy had betrayed me again and he had also lied about it, again. I couldn't take him back, I wouldn't take him back. But, as much as I told myself that I still loved him, he still had a special place in my heart and he always would. There was nothing I could do to change that. I drove on, the tears slowing, and realized a stone cold fact: I had no where to go. I couldn't just keep on driving, I was tired and I needed to talk to someone. So, I pulled my phone out and decided to call Piper. I felt terrible doing this, but honestly I had nowhere else to go and I just needed to talk to someone.

I was about to dial her number when I remembered: she had probably already left with Jason and if not they would probably be leaving soon. And I wasn't going to ruin her night. So, where was I going to go? I couldn't think of anywhere, with anyone who I could really trust, so I headed over to a hotel, on a stretch of road surrounded by other lit up buildings. It wasn't my favorite place to be but it would have to do until I could find something more sutible.

Percy's POV

I felt terrible, I felt like a horrible person. Annabeth was broken, because of me, she had left me and taken our daughter with her. And it was all because of me, if only she had stayed. If only she had listened to the entire story. She knew nothing about Cailin, she only knew the basics and she needed to know more, she deserved to know more. But, by not telling her I had been protecting her, and she was oblivious to that.

Cailin and I had known each other for a while, much longer than Annabeth was aware of. Cailin and I had used the bar story as a cover up, so Annabeth would never know the truth. But she deserved the truth, and one way or another I would make sure she would know it. Cailin and I met around four years ago, when Annabeth and I were still dating.

She was strikingly beautiful, and looked as if she was fierce, I wasn't going to approach her; considering the fact that I had a girlfriend. But, she approached me anyways flashing her smile and then proceeding to sit down next to me, as I was dining alone.

"Hi," she had said with her trademark grin spread across her gorgeous face, "I'm Cailin."

I got to know her, but I made it very clear that I was not interested in anything more than friendship. But within a week she had made it crystal clear that she did want something more and that she was determined to get it. Thinking that I had the advantage, being a half-blood and all I played it cool; acting like I didn't notice anything.

I didn't really want to hang out with her, I hated myself for it. But, she always found me even when I didn't tell her where I would be. And, I began to draw conclusions, could she possibly be like me and Annabeth and she had found me for a reason? But, after time that proved to be false. I knew she had to be something but I didn't know what and then one day it clicked: she wasn't a half-blood because she was a Godess. Literally.

She was the daughter of Aphrodite and Ares, and I found this out by spying on her which got me in a lot of trouble. She made me promise that I would have a relationship with her, or she would kill Annabeth, the most important woman in the world to me. I don't know why in the world she wanted a relationship with me, Cailin had to no the feelings weren't mutual but yet, we continued the charade and I hated it more every single day.

And now Annabeth new about my relationship with Cailin- and I would take back every moment of it if I could but I couldn't. Cailin was a Goddess, she was stronger than us and we could only wonder what her powers were.

I just hoped with everything within me that she wouldn't come near Annabeth.

Annabeth's POV

I stood in the middle of the tiny, cramped hotel room, wondering what to do with myself. I couldn't cry forever. I sat down on the bed with the uncomfterable mattress and looked beside me where Melody lay fast asleep in the small crib. She had no idea what was going on. She had no idea about how her father had cheated on her mother twice now. She had no idea that her parents were probably getting a divorce after so little time of being married. My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a light knock on the door. Who would be at our door? I hadn't told anyone where we were going.

I opened up the door and peeked my head through and gasped when I saw who stood there. Cailin. I quickly shut the door, hoping to be able to not let her in but she grasped it with her hand and I realized how strong she was. She then smiled, in a mocking way and pushed the door the rest of the way open and stepping inside.

"Hello, Annabeth." She said, "I think it's time you and I have a little chat."

Hey everyone! I hope that wasn't too much of a cliffhanger and I hope you are satisfied with the chapter!! We are finally getting into an important event in this book but trust me,  this book is still going to mainly revolve around Percy and Annabeth's journey through parenthood. Cailin will be in this book for a while but I already know when and how she's going to leave and then her story will be over! I've included a picture I edited of her to the side and I hope you enjoy finally seeing her!

Here's your question and I will try to update soon!

Q: What do you think of Cailin?

1. UH..... I hate her! Please just kill her off!!!

2. She's okay. It makes the story a bit more interesting.

3. OMG I freaking love her!!! She's the fiesty, sassy girl and I can't wait to learn more about her!!

4. I hate her. This story sucks with her in it.

Thanks and I will talk to you later!


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