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being in a relationship with your bestfriend is the best. bcs you already know his favorite's, some secrets and other stuff. you probably also felt comfortable around him since you two are already friends before. and greatest part is that his family already knew you so it will not be to hard to get close to your future in-laws.

but the worst part in that is when you two broke up, bcs you will be forced to see each other again since you two are bestest friends before and probably have the same set of friends, right.

like what's happening to me right now, i am forced to go to a reunion. probably i will see my- i don't know, an ass of a ex-boyfriend.

"pretty plsssss!!"

"how many times do i have to tell you that i don't want to go."

"but it's our reunion, we barely see each other bcs of our own tight schedule."

"exactly, i have a tight schedule as you said so i do not have time to go to that bullshit reunion."

i stood up from my swivel chair and went to a shelf that is attached at the wall of my office to get some files that i need.

"it's not that bad, it's not like you're gonna see him there!"

i whipped my face to her, "see who?"

"oh don't play dumb with me, your ex of course!"

"so what if he's there, it's not like it's affecting me or something."

"there you said it. you don't want to go bcs you're afraid of seeing him after 7 years!"

"am not."

"am yes."

i rolled my eyes and continued searching for the file i need.

"just say yes and i won't bother you again," she went to my side and grab my arm.

"give me one good reason why should i go," i looked at her, "that bullshit of a reunion will be full of fake bitches who will brag about what they had achieved in 7 years." i continued.

"well if it's bragging then you have a lot. you can say that you are a successful architect now, you already have your own company and some other small businesses-"

"that's not what i meant. what i want to say is that i will be just annoyed if i have to face again those bitches who ruined my high school life."

"then don't put your attention to them, just talk to us." then she sighed. "mira and the others misses you, bcs you are always the only one who don't go to our mini reunion sessions,"

i raised my brow at her, "so now you're guilt tripping me," i said.

"well if you don't want me to do that just say yes,"

i looked at her as how i look at my employees, attempting to intimidate her but she just won't budge.

i closed my eyes and sighed. i opened my eyes and she's staring at me, i went to the my table and pressed my secretary's number in the intercom.

"can you pls clear my schedule on-" i look at my friend since high school with a bored look.

"what?" she asked.

"when is that reunion you're telling me,"

"you're saying yes?" her aura suddenly lights up.

"do you want me to change my mind?" i said.

"friday, 7pm. don't bother to bring your car i'll pick you up here in your office."

i sighed, "you heard her," i said to the intercom.

"copy that," my secretary replied.

i sitted back to my swivel chair as i watch my bff jump like an idiot and saying,

"this is going to be fun!"

this is going to be a mess.

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