'Depending on you, Serena'

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My eyes feel heavy as they slowly open, the light from outside making me blink a bit to let them get adjusted. My body feels like lead, and my head feels just as heavy.

Waking up to an unfamiliar ceiling it's only seconds after I realise where I am and what happened last night.

I feel as though my heart stopped again, as the events of last night rush through my head, blood rushes to my cheeks, and I shut my eyes once more.

I roll my head to the side to see if Serena's where she was when I drifted off to sleep. All that's there now is an empty space on the bed, and the room beyond.

I still can't believe that she was that girl who I saved back in Kanto. One out of 7billion the chances were, and it was her.

I sluggishly sit up and rub my eyes, before pinching the bridge of my nose and looking around the room.

I'm still bereft of my clothes, and after a quick scan of the floor for them, I notice that they're neatly folded in a corner of the room. Try as I might, I can't see Serena's anywhere.

With a great yawn, I get myself out of bed and quickly look for some underwear. I grimace a little at the prospect of putting my boxers back on after yesterday's efforts did a job on them, but I don't have much choice.

'Don't forget to change your underwear, Ash!' My Mom's words echo through my head.

I get myself dressed for the coming school day in short order.

And then...I'm alone.

I would have liked to wake up next to her, but...maybe it's a good thing that I have a few moments alone.

The sound of the door handle cracks through my thoughts, and I turn to face it.

Sure enough, Serena comes through and shuts the door behind her. She has what seem to be two microwaved instant meals in her hands, so this is a little difficult.

"Good mornin', Serena." I smile at her.

"M.....'morning." She blushes.

She makes her way to her desk, setting down both plates. I ca now see them to be small satay dishes, their contents steaming, with a fork stuck inside the rice of each.

I give thanks to her for bringing them in, and we each take one and get down to eating. She sits on her desk chair, while I sit on the side of the bed.

She glances towards me every so often as she eats. I only notice her doing so because I'm doing just the same thing.

We're eating together as if we were a couple. We had sex last night; a first for the both of us. Something feels....wrong, though.

Maybe that's why we can't say even a word to each other as we finish our plates and leave them in the sink.

Maybe that's why we leave Serena's room without holding hands, or making small talk

Maybe that's why it feels as if we're further apart than we've ever been before.


We enter the classroom together, neither of us so much as glancing at each other. Just after we do so, I realize that this may have been a mistake. Bianca lifts her eyebrow at the sight, her suspicions raised.

We reach the center aisle between the classroom's desk and look to each other. I'm not quite sure what I should say. Does she want me to address her as a girlfriend? I didn't think our relationship was...Oh. That's why this feels so strange.

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