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Friday Evening, I agreed to go out with Dawn, Megan and Serena before she goes back to Sinnoh tomorrow.

My eyes are moving constantly from the bright electronic screens glowing high in the night sky.

Dawn is walking to my left with her cane swaying to and fro, holding onto her sister's arm for guidance while talking to her.

Compared to travelling by taxi or bus, being driven by Megan in her rather nice car was a much more enjoyable experience.

Maybe not for the person on my right, though. While Dawn was used to her sister's driving style, and I quite liked a bit of excitement, Serena was holding very tightly to the door for most of the trip.

"Everything looks so p-pretty at night..." Serena admired the city.

Serena quickly looks down yet again as she accidentally catches someone's gaze.

"Yeah, it does." I agree with.

This is the first time I've seen her in something other than her school uniform or her pyjamas. It gave me pause when I first saw her outfit when we met up at the school gate.

Considering how much her head is lowered when people walk near us, I imagine that the hat she wears is more than a fashion statement.

"Where are we goin'" I ask Megan.

"You'll see. Just follow us." Megan giggles.

We keep walking, and I notice that we're passing more and more cafes, restaurants, and other eateries.

Every one in a while a drunken man in a suit comes out of a bar, usually being supported by another, but for the most part the customers around this part of the city look young and fashionable

Serena and i have started to drift a little apart from Dawn and Megan. That comes to a stop when I hear a soft thud from beside me.

"S-s-sorry!" Serena blurts out.

By the time she rights herself from her apologetic bow, the middle-aged businessman she bumped into is walking away after mumbling a half-hearted apology.

She looks a little put off by the experience, and as she quickly skips ahead to match my pace, I notice her head hanging low once more. She probably bumped into him because she was looking downwards and not where she was going.

I step to the side a little and put on hand on her far shoulder, drawing her closer.

"Ash?" She says.

"It's okay. You can walk closer to me if you want." I smile at her.

She blushes and eventually nods in assent.

After a couple of minutes, we reach our target. By now we're below the elevated walkways, and past the most garish and brightly-lit places.

Around us, jazz music can be heard emanating from inside. Looking up at the dimly-lit sign. It becomes obvious why.

"A jazz club? I have to admit, this isn't what I expected." I shrug.

Dawn gives an amused snort and a smile.

"I feel like I should've known it, Megan"  Dawn says.

"Hey, c'mon. Just because you're teenager, doesn't mean you can't have a taste, right?" Megan laughs.

"Well...I don't mind the music, if that's what you mean." I say.

"I-I don't mind it...either..." Serena says.

Flashing a smile, Megan smiles, she strides in with Dawn by her side and the two of us following behind.

I had expected my eyes to need adjusting to the light inside, but it's not much brighter than outside.

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